No One is Born Gay

Below my comments you will find a letter written by a former gay person.

This page is currently under construction.  Thanks to the 700 club I have something to post here.  I hope they don't mind. I'll be telling my side of the story as soon as I can.  I've been swamped with work lately and it really cuts into my webmastering time.  At the bottom of this file you will find a message by a former gay man who tells his story and says "No one is born gay."

First of all I would like to say I don't hate gay people.  But what I have to say about the phenomena is very important.  I don't go preaching to them or anyone else about it but like my other webpages about spiritual things if you found this page then there's something on it you should read and gain an understanding for.  If someone asks me I will tell them what God says about these things and how I know that what God and the Bible says is correct.

I'm just telling people what God shows and tells me so don't bother to send me hate mail about these pages if the information on it offends you.  I'm not the one who created the universe or living things of any kind.  I am someone who the Creator has given special insight into spiritual things.  For some it is enough to read what the Bible says about such things and take it at face value.  But some of us have been shown why God said these things.  If you have a complaint you should take it up with the Creator not with me.  If you have a question about these things and honestly want to understand the truth then please send me an E-mail and I will do my best to answer your questions.

This is a subject that God has given me valuable information about first hand.  It's also a subject I've wanted to stay away from because of the floods of arguments I've received from the homosexual community.  Then I tell people who are out cursing the Harry Potter novel series there are more important things they should be protesting.  The thing is they don't want to protest the homosexual community for the same reasons so they go after easy insignificant targets like J. K. Rowling's novel series.  They go after things that's not important and not going to catch them any heat about it.  What they are doing is stupid. I understand they are wanting to maintain some image of being Godly and of standing up for God and standing against the "Godless" but they are seriously misguided.  There's no real witchcraft in the Harry Potter series of novels.  Ask any witch you know, they will tell you the same thing.  But entire cities have been burned to a crisp all because of people giving themselves over to spirits of homosexuality.  Remember Sodom and Gomorrah?  Archeologists have dug up the remains of surrounding cities around the dead sea and yes the people were burned up.  Their bones covered in several feet of ash.  It's no secret just watch the TV shows about Biblical archeology, they show the evidence, the ash, the pots and the bones.

God said that His people, those who carry his Holy Spirit are the salt of the earth.  We preserve the earth.  Every nation, every city who has turned their back on God in the past has received terrible punishment.  Some have been completely destroyed.  America has strengthened the hand of the godless by passing laws to protect the immoral godless among us.  If things keep going the way they are going one day she will pay a high price for doing these things.

And those who complain about the way God does things, one day they will ask, and will be given what they ask for.  And for a time they will believe they are pleased with the outcome, and when they least expect it great destruction will come upon them.

The title of course "Truth" is their title and I'm leaving it because it is Truth! If everyone could see the spirits moving around and through them as Jesus could and as a few others can and have they would be more curious than ever as to what is going on around us virtually unseen.

The spirit world is all around us and spirits are made up of "spiritual energy."  The physical world mimics and emulates things in the spirit world.  Energy forces have properties that are consistent.  Try to put two magnets together S to N and they attract each other.  Try to put them N to N or S to S and they repel each other.  This is called "polarity."  Magnets have it.  Planets have it.  The sun as it.  And spirits have it. 

Watch spirits moving through a woman's body. What that video clip shows is nothing compared to what you can't see going on in the low quality video clip on line.  I captured the video directly to my computer from satellite and have watched it in slow motion and frame by frame.  While those spirits are flying through her head two or three others are moving around in and out of her chest.  They are easy to see once you know what to watch for and once you have a high enough resolution to see them.

Some spirits attract each other and others repel each other.  It's designed that way by the Creator for a very definite reason.  When the laws of nature are broken the angels in heaven are aware of it and so is the Creator.

Spirits drive a person's emotions.  The emotions drive the thinking process.  Spirits find someone who will accept them, they move in and start making that person over from the inside out.

God called homosexuality not just a sin but an abomination.  It makes Him want to vomit.  It repels His spirit from the person who has the homosexual spirit abiding within them.  The Holy Spirit of Christ is the keys to heaven and it will not abide within a person who has the homosexual spirit within them.

For years I would get near someone who was homosexual and become physically sick and did not know why.  I was not consciously aware the reason why I was sick was because there was a homosexual person standing near me.  But later on God showed me through a series of events what was causing the problems.  The Holy Spirit of Christ within me was being made sick and being repelled by the spirit of homosexuality in a person standing near by.

I intend to tell some of the night visions that were answers from God to me concerning these things.  I also intend to make more Biblical references as I get time.

1 Corinthians 6:9-10: (RSV) Do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived; neither the immoral, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor homosexuals, nor thieves, nor the greedy, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor robbers will inherit the kingdom of God.

People need to understand spiritual things yet people being human do not naturally relate to spiritual things, nor to they understand them naturally since these things are spiritually discerned.

1 Corinthians 2:14: (RSV) The unspiritual man does not receive the gifts of the Spirit of God, for they are folly to him, and he is not able to understand them because they are spiritually discerned.

There are people who have the Holy Spirit who God explains these spiritual things to, so they can help others to understand.  They can explain these things to the people who are truly seeking the answers so they can decide for themselves what is right and what is true by testing everything and seeking their path to the truth.  And through faith God will make the truth known to them.

God did not design or create people intending for them to be lost but the original sin of Adam and Eve condemned themselves and their decedents to be separated from the Father spirit or God the Father.  When this happened the Glory and protection of God the Father withdrew from Adam and Eve and the countenance of their spirits dimmed.  No longer protected by the spirit of God angels were set to watch over them but they were lost and required redemption in order to correct their spiritually fallen state of being.  Since God was no longer within them dark entities and demons were able to access them and their children, and the devil deceived Cain and he killed his brother Able.  Each event having a special meaning and purpose.  Why did Cain kill Able?  They were both involved in a kind of contest to see who's offering would be accepted by God.  Abel's offering was good but Cain's was not acceptable.  As such you see the foundations of two types of religions being born between the two brothers.  Two types of spirits.  The one from Able being born of Able's heart and the one from Cain being born of the mind.  One being based on spirit and one being based on head knowledge.  These spirits are alive and working today in all forms of religions.  The spirit of the religion of Cain was found within the Scribes and Pharisees who had been entrusted with the laws of Moses yet they turned on Jesus and had him put to death out of jealousy, just as Cain killed his own brother.  Even to this day there are a multitude of Jews who can not understand these things for the same reasons described in 1 Corinthians 2:14.  They do not have the Holy Spirit to explain it to them.  They refuse to accept it.

The Creator was born in the flesh in order to create a spiritual bond between the Father and the humans.  A spirit that would cause the Father to recognize the humans as being His own children.  This was done through Jesus who is the Christ exactly as he said he was.  Exactly as his followers knew he was.  No other person or prophet created the keys to heaven, but only through Jesus is salvation and restoration between humans and God possible.

God did not create evil but people and even angels God created turned their hearts toward evil purposes and it was Lucifer who created the perversions and those spirits that transformed people from the inside out.  It was Lucifer who created every foul spirit and every abomination found upon the earth.  It is people who choose these spirits to abide within them.  It is these spirits who make the people over from the inside out.  No one is born gay.  These spirits move into the person who accepts them and it lies to them, deceives them and makes them over from the inside out.  The spirit convinces the person to believe the lies so that it may remain with them and have a home within them.  If you were given the ability to see these spirits do the things they do then you would understand the truth, and that truth would set you free.

When the angels of God see someone who has the Holy Spirit within them they make no mistakes about them.  They know who they are.  They know them by name.  The Holy Spirit, Christ's own spirit within us glows like the stars in the night sky.  These people shine brightly in the spirit.  But those who do not have the Holy Spirit within them do not glow, they do not shine but they have dim spirits like that of Adam and Eve when they were removed from the Garden of Eden.  The Holy Spirit is the spirit's own natural immune system against the nasty dark spirits that roam the earth just looking for someone to inhabit.  When a spirit of homosexuality enters a person the Holy Spirit is not only rejected by that dark spirit the Holy Spirit itself is repelled by it because the spirit of homosexuality is an abomination to God the Father.  If the Holy Spirit will not have anything to do with that person the dark entities feel safe there within them. They push their agenda to others through their host.  In doing so they deceive others into this homosexual life.  Through them they reproduce and expand their domains among human beings.

The plan is devious.  The devil is the author of many side roads, detours and misconceptions like reincarnation.  If you don't get it right the first time God will let you try try again until you get it right!  No, actually he won't but there are spirits preaching this through the mouths of very deceived people. That's not all they are preaching.  Many people eventually seek spiritual salvation or at least a mental resolution to give them some peace of mind concerning their own lives.  The devil knew those lost souls having dark entities abiding within them would seek some form of peace of mind and he made ready to fill that need through a perverted form of religion.  Remember, Lucifer himself was set up at one time pretending to be God.  So then he sent out homosexuals as preachers and pastors claiming they can be forgiven and will be saved and that God will accept them just as they are.  Do not be deceived! They can be saved, they can be forgiven but they can not be saved if they continue in sin having dark entities abiding within them.  But Jesus said "Repent of your sins" and "Go your way and sin no more.He did not say they could be saved and still live in sin, it is just not acceptable to God the Father or to Jesus Christ the Son.  If you do the spiritual mathematics you will see there is a fixed order to spiritual things that can not be changed.

If you could see what these spirits are doing, and see them for what they truly are you would realize they are terrorist spirits doing their very best to take over the world.  Every person they deceive into accepting them is another person who's not likely to ever find salvation.  Their methods are vast and devious.  Their plan is subtle and with intent.  These things did not happen by chance or accident.  Like terrorists they will not be satisfied with equal rights.  They will not be satisfied with being left alone.  They would not be satisfied with owning the world.  They will not be satisfied because they can not find satisfaction, as it flees from them.  Peace of spirit and spiritual satisfaction only comes from God to us through the Holy Spirit of Jesus Christ.  The Holy Spirit of Christ will not enter or abide with other evil spirits especially those like the homosexual spirits.  If a person chooses to accept the Holy Spirit they must reject evil spirits and repent from their past transgressions.

God does nothing without having a plan and purpose.  God gave us examples in the past that we are to draw from now in these last days before the Great Tribulation.  God does not change His established rules.  If something was evil 7000 years ago it is still considered wrong and evil.  The Bible will tell you clearly without doubt yet many who believe in God, believe in the Bible will still disregard things they choose not to accept.

2 Peter 2:4  For if God did not spare angels when they sinned, but sent them to hell, putting them into gloomy dungeons to be held for judgment; 5 if he did not spare the ancient world when he brought the flood on its ungodly people, but protected Noah, a preacher of righteousness, and seven others; 6 if he condemned the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah by burning them to ashes, and made them an example of what is going to happen to the ungodly; 7and if he rescued Lot, a righteous man, who was distressed by the filthy lives of lawless men 8 (for that righteous man, living among them day after day, was tormented in his righteous soul by the lawless deeds he saw and heard)-- 9 if this is so, then the Lord knows how to rescue godly men from trials and to hold the unrighteous for the day of judgment, while continuing their punishment. 10 This is especially true of those who follow the corrupt desire of the sinful nature and despise authority.

Do not ever attend or accept a homosexual preacher into your churches.  The world is all ready filled with preachers who have the spirit of religion without having the Holy Spirit of God.  Without the Holy Spirit of God they can not communicate with the Father to know how to lead the people.  As such Jesus said they are the blind leading the blind and they will all perish.

Former Homosexual Says 'No one is born gay'

July 21, 2003 Stephen Bennett is a former homosexual, who lived the "gay" lifestyle for 11 years. Today he's married and has two young children. He's also a born-again Christian who has a ministry to men and women who want to be set free from homosexuality. Whenever he's invited to appear on television news programs, though, Stephen says most won't let him tell his story truthfully. And they won't let him say that he's a former homosexual.

He recently spoke with Lee Webb on The 700 Club.

Lee Webb: Stephen, I wanted to get into this interview that you did with CBS. They interviewed you on tape for a segment on same-sex marriage that appeared on one of their CBS Sunday morning programs. And I want to show our viewers how they identified you and your wife.

Let's look at that, it says that 'Stephen and Irene Bennett&say they will never endorse same-sex marriage for religious reasons.'

Now they went on to say, they included a sound bite with you saying that you could not&you said that homosexuality was wrong, but that's all that they said. Why do you say that that was the wrong way to identify you.

Stephen Bennett: Because the reason they brought me on to the show was to share that I was gay. They were doing a piece particularly on gay marriage and they wanted to understand our perspective. And as a person who is a former homosexual I wanted to tell the truth about the homosexual lifestyle.

I said to them specifically, 'I am living proof that there's no basis whatsoever for any kind of legislation equating homosexuality with heterosexuality.' For the fact that I was gay. I lived the gay lifestyle until I was 28 years old, probably for about 11 years. Well, with over 100 men sexually, many of whom are dead today from AIDS. I've buried countless boyfriends in the ground because of AIDS.

I was in love with another man who was going to be my partner for life, until a Christian woman showed up at my door one day with a Bible and said that I could be set free from my homosexuality. That was back in 1990 and my life has never been the same again.

Webb: And none of that was included in the CBS segment.

Bennett: None of it whatsoever. And I shared my Christian testimony just for, maybe about two or three seconds, because I know when dealing with the secular media most of the media does not want to know about the Christian response. So we were able to bring a powerful, powerful message of deliverance. How no one is born gay, how people can completely change. But again the media is the major conduit today of the gay agenda. They are out there pushing their false agenda, that number one, a person is born gay, and number two, that no one can change, for example, just as a person cannot change their race or skin color. But I said to the producer at CBS and the interview, 'you will never have a former black man on your show, but today you have a former homosexual.'

Webb: Now, later on CBS responded to this by saying, 'look we were just looking for someone to represent the religious right.' Is that the way they portrayed themselves (to you).

Bennett: Not once, not once. They brought us on there particularly to hear a person's view who was a former homosexual. Again, I am living proof that homosexuals can change, that no one is born gay. We need to equate homosexuality with that of drug addiction or alcoholism. They are destructive behaviors that we would never encourage people to continue a life in -- we need to say the same exact thing about homosexuality.

Webb: Now unfortunately, this is not the first time this had happened. You say it even happened at Fox, which typically is considered a fairly conservative network.

Bennett: My friend Bill O'Reilly. I was brought on to the show to talk about homosexuality, as well as its effects on America's children, how it's being promoted. Unfortunately it turned out to be a debate about Bill O'Reilly and his theology. He did not receive me very well and unfortunately Bill O'Reilly is a bit confused on this issue. He came out in full support of gay rights last year.

All we want to get across to America is for people to understand the mainstream media is not giving them the truth. Thank God for people like CBN and other organizations who are out there sharing that no one is born gay. And especially through the power of Jesus Christ people can change completely. I am happily married now today for over 10 years to a beautiful woman who knew me when I was gay, who was praying for my salvation. I no longer am living a lie. I was playing house with my boyfriend back then. I have the real thing today. I may not be the mostly masculine person in the world, but, you know what, I don't need to be. I'm a man in God's eyes, in my wife's eyes, I'm the father of our two little beautiful children today. Jesus Christ has changed my life completely. He has taken a story that was a nightmare and turned it into a fairy tale and I am just so grateful to Him for doing that.

Webb: Stephen, the Supreme Court of Massachusetts is set to rule on same-sex marriage. Tell us why you think it would be a bad idea for America.

Bennett: You know, again, the only thing I can say is I am living proof that there is no basis whatsoever for any type of legislation equating homosexuality with heterosexuality. These people need to realize that change is possible. Encouraging someone to continue in a lifestyle that is false, that is a deception, is not going to do them any good. Giving them every right, it's not going to do anything. What they're looking for is that acceptance inside. And they feel that by getting acceptance from the states and government and everybody else, maybe homosexual people can find that acceptance within themselves and I tell you that will never, ever happen.

Webb: You have a ministry to homosexuals around the country. You speak to churches. You know when we interview homosexuals they appear to be happy, they say this is the lifestyle they want to lead but you have noticed something under the surface, haven't you?

Bennett: When I was living the gay lifestyle I portrayed that I was happy. I was in love with my boyfriend, had great gay and lesbian friends. But the problem with that was is that deep down I knew something was wrong. Again I firmly believe that no one is born gay, that homosexuality tragically happens early on in the childhood. For me it was a broken relationship with my father that was reconciled after I became a Christian. I love my father dearly, he loves me and I was able to move on from homosexuality to healthy heterosexuality. And what we want to share with men and women is when we go out trying to reach the homosexual for Christ -- is that God loves them. The Gospel is the most important thing that we can reach these people with, so we need to let people know that God loves the homosexual but he hates the sin. And homosexuality is a sin in God's eyes. And that is my heart's desire. And I'm sorry but I've got tunnel vision on this issue. We want to reach the homosexual for Christ in America and make a difference in this country.

Webb: Stephen, you mentioned earlier that you're now married. Your wife Irene and your two beautiful children are in the audience with us right now. Why don't you introduce your children to us.

Bennett: That's my beautiful wife Irene, and I'm very prejudiced, the most beautiful Christian woman in the world. And these cute little cuties, my little girl Chloe, born four years into our marriage, and my little boy Blakey. He was born on Chloe's birthday, Jesus gave her a little brother for her birthday. So this is what God's done for me. God has just turned my story into a fairy tale and I'm just so grateful, I just want to serve Jesus Christ all of my days now and share the truth that no one is born gay and through the power of Jesus Christ homosexuals can completely change.

Webb: Stephen Bennett, thank you for telling your story today. We appreciate it.

Bennett: Thank you so much.

For more information on Stephen Bennett and Stephen Bennett Ministries please visit his web site at

Ask people who've been there and came back to tell the story.  Christians no longer gay and living for God