Shuttle Crash Dreams

Dreams that actually did predict the crash or potential crash of a space shuttle.

I've been extremely busy but as I get time I'll try to track down more dreams relating to these events and post them here. If anyone has links to other websites with dreams of this nature or dreams they would like to share with us please send them to me. I will read them and post them if I think they are the real thing.

The following dreams came from my own dream journal. I have dreams of the first shuttle disaster to and while I can retype them from memory I would like to see if I can find them in the dream archives first.

It's almost funny when you think about it.  I searched for those previous Challenger Dreams and they've been out here on the Dream Link dream research website all this time.  When I get the chance I'll bring them over here to but until then use the link and go select prophetic dreams and look for the shuttle dreams.

News Flash

The space shuttle Columbia broke up today as it descended over central Texas toward a planned landing at Kennedy Space Center in Florida. Seven crew members were aboard. A Bush administration spokesman said the shuttle's altitude -- over 200,000 feet -- made it "highly unlikely" that the shuttle fell victim to a terrorist act.

The Associated Press

CAPE CANAVERAL, Fla. Feb. 1, 2003 —

Space shuttle Columbia apparently disintegrated in flames over Texas on Saturday minutes before it was to land in Florida. TV video showed what appeared to be falling debris, as NASA declared an emergency and warned residents to beware of falling objects.

Six Americans and Israel's first astronaut were on board.


Shuttle Lands at the Wrong Airport!

Dream Date:  9/14/01

A dream predicting the Shuttle Columbia tragedy 3.5 months in advance.

Space Shuttle Lands at wrong airport 9/14/01


I was standing about a mile from the approach end of an airport when I heard a loud noise and looked up and saw the space shuttle clear as a bell coming right over me.  It passed over and was on landing approach and my first thoughts were that it will never make it, this is the wrong airport.  I had the feeling it was landing right here at Fort Smith but I was standing in a grove of trees and the place didn't look like Fort Smith to me.  I had the strong feeling that something was wrong or it would not be landing where it was landing.



The Space Shuttles are not personal symbols, they are symbols of America, and in some cases could represent international cooperation.


Government related things are seen as military ships, vehicles airplanes etc and Space Shuttle symbols generally relate to non-military related government things.  Though the shuttles can be an aspect of ultra secret government business like Star Wars things and such, generally with me the dreams are non military government related symbols.


Aircraft landing is symbolic of things being brought to a close or ending under controlled circumstances.  The other option is if it is literal in which case you will be hearing about the Space Shuttle landing at an airport that it has not landed at before.  The symbolic meaning is far more likely and means that some department of the government is having their funding cut.  What ever it is it will be a large ordeal and many people will pay a high price for it.  There's no way of knowing exactly when this will happen all we can do is watch the news and wait.


(NOTE: This dream was posted to the dream list mailer and was not originally recorded into my dream journal at the time.  Back then many of my dreams were posted directly to the dream list rather than to my dream journal.  Previous to this event many dreams were posted in the dream journal then copied and pasted to an Email message then sent to the list mailer.  Now once again I'm recording the dreams in the journal and then sending them to the list mailer.)



NASA crashes Again!  4/2/2003 7:32 AM

(This dream was after the crash. I think it speaks of another NASA tragedy yet to happen.)

I was on an unfamiliar farm.  It was daylight but not noon.  Perhaps it was late afternoon.  I heard a roaring sound and looked up into the sky to see what looked like something falling from the sky.  There was a white object and a smoke trail crossing the sky very quickly.  I yelled and pointed and others there began looking at the object.  We watched as the object fell from the sky.  As it came lower I climbed up on a big round fence post and watched as the thing came near the ground and slowed I saw two symbols on one of the two vertical tail sections.  One of those was the blue NASA symbol.  I did not recognize the other symbol.  The craft itself was more rectangular shaped than a space shuttle but did look like some kind of experimental space plane. As I watched the craft rolled to it's left side and hit the ground near another farm down the hill from where I was standing.  I began to yell telling the people there to call NASA and tell them what had happened.  Then I watched in shock as the wreckage began to move, turn and then start up the hill toward us.  It was wrecked but it was moving right at us and that frightened me.  I yelled and everyone ran for cover.  It came up the hill and crashed right through the fences past us and out to the road, turned and went down the road.

So far when I have dreams about NASA the dreams are literal in some ways.  It's usually about NASA and usually has to do with what I saw.  In fact I can't remember ever having a dream about NASA that wasn't about NASA.

I not only saw the NASA symbol on the thing I called out that it was a NASA craft and to notify NASA what had happened.



More Shuttle Disaster Dreams on Great Dreams!

Copyright © 2002-2003 Bryon Smith

(Copyright information: I welcome you to share this page and information with your friends and family. Print it, copy it, E-mail it all you like but do not publish it or sell the information without my written consent.)