
People frequently ask me questions that are worthy of an answer.  Answers they can't not or do not receive from preachers who should be able to answer these questions.  I'm certain that some preachers can answer them.  But in the event you are interested to know these things I am posting this page for you with actual questions from some of my visitors and my answers to those questions.

Please remember that when a person is able to ask intelligent questions and they know that something's wrong with the world of religion, they are seekers.  The seekers God is looking for are seekers of the truth.

Message from one of my visitors.

I have read much of your site and printed out 60-70 pages so far. I am a somewhat reformed atheist. I at least believe in God (but then so do the demons). I am probably controlled by religion spirits and I am in need of help. Below are topics that I have struggled with and do not get good answers on. I hope you can answer some of them. Feel free to post them on your site for others who may have the same questions. Please don't include my name. Some of these questions I did not know I had until I read your site. Please understand that none of them are intended to be an argument. I have been accused of being argumentative in the past. It is important for me to know WHY I am wrong on some instance as opposed to just saying that's wrong. They seem blunt, but was to save time and space, I do not want to sound rude. Thank you so much for your time. I know that it will take some time to reply to all of this, but can you drop me an e-mail and let me know you are working on it. Thanks.

* Trinity: I struggle with this most of all. If Jesus is God, why does he pray to him like a separate entity. Why does God need Jesus to intercede for us if God is Jesus already? Jesus said to pray to the father and not him, but if they are one and the same? I can go on all day with this line of thought... ...Help?

A> Many people limit their understanding to physical terms.  One of the things we fail to realize is that all of the physical world was designed after the likeness of spiritual things.  All of creation is designed on spiritual blueprints before it can become a physical reality.  A human being is not just what we see, a body of flesh.  It is more than that.  It is a physical body yes, but it is also a spirit and soul.  Therefore a living human is also made up of a trinity.  The spirit is the life force or "breath of life" and the soul is the actual "mind" of a person.  The soul is all that a person is, every memory, every thought, their personality is all contained in the soul and the soul is all contained within the spirit.  The physical body and mind can not function without the spirit and the soul.  When the spirit and soul leave a body the body is dead.

A> The Father Spirit is the source of all power and all life.  The Father's abilities are carried out though various aspects of His Own Being.  The Father's ability to create anything and everything are carried out through a creative process that is known by several names.  The Apostle John had a wonderful way of understanding who Christ is and he put it in words for us to relate to. 

John 1: "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. 2 He was with God in the beginning.

3 Through him all things were made; without him nothing was made that has been made. 4 In him was life, and that life was the light of men. 5 The light shines in the darkness, but the darkness has not understood it.

6 There came a man who was sent from God; his name was John. 7 He came as a witness to testify concerning that light, so that through him all men might believe. 8 He himself was not the light; he came only as a witness to the light. 9 The true light that gives light to every man was coming into the world.

10 He was in the world, and though the world was made through him, the world did not recognize him. 11 He came to that which was his own, but his own did not receive him. 12 Yet to all who received him, to those who believed in his name, he gave the right to become children of God-- 13 children born not of natural descent, nor of human decision or a husband's will, but born of God.

14 The Word became flesh and made his dwelling among us. We have seen his glory, the glory of the One and Only, who came from the Father, full of grace and truth.

15 John testifies concerning him. He cries out, saying, "This was he of whom I said, `He who comes after me has surpassed me because he was before me.' " 16 From the fullness of his grace we have all received one blessing after another. 17 For the law was given through Moses; grace and truth came through Jesus Christ. 18 No one has ever seen God, but God the One and Only, who is at the Father's side, has made him known."  (NIV)

In these words the Apostle John reveals mysteries that can only be correctly understood through the revelation of the Holy Spirit.  The same aspect of the Father that speaks world into existence is the same aspect of God that reveals the truth of all creation to human kind.  Because no one knows God except the one who came from God the Father, and those who He reveals these things to.  No one else can understand these things.  No one else can quench the truth or prevent this truth from reaching those who The Living Word reveals these things to.  And those of worldly wisdom see God's chosen children as strange and peculiar people.  Those who are highly religious will even accuse us of being possessed of demons and of being crazy, because they can not understand us.

Last and just as important Jesus was teaching his people the proper method to communicate with the Father.  When the Creator was in the physical body of Jesus he also communicated with the Father through prayer.  His soul was sending spiritual messages to the Father through prayer.  His spirit is the key that unlocks the doors to all the secrets and all the power of the Father.  Spiritual messages are sent from one spiritual being to another through various types of prayer.  The air around us is filled with balls of spiritual energy going about their tasks of delivering information.

Important Points to be Aware of.

1> The Living Word of God is not the written Bible.

2> The Lord of Light is "The Living Word of God."  You will hear me frequently refer to The Living Word of God as "The Lord of Light" and "The Living Light" and "The Creator."

3> The Holy Spirit was created through and by the Lord of Light through the person of Jesus who was the messiah and the Christ.

4> The Holy Spirit is a portion of the Creator's own spirit that was broken and divided in order to "feed His children."

5> Jesus gave many examples in his life to show us what he was doing as the Messiah.  When he raised the dead.  When he fed the multitudes by multiplying the loves and fish, enough to feed thousands of people on two separate recorded occasions.

6> The Living Word of God was described as such originally because when God would speak to the prophets of old using His "Voice" the prophets would say "behold the Word of God came to me saying..."  etc.

7> Most importantly those who accept the Holy Spirit of God created by the only begotten Son of the Father are recognized by the Father as being His Children.  In this we find our salvation.  Through Christ we are given new names that are recognized by the Father.  And when we pray to the Father having the Holy Spirit within us we are speaking to the Father in the "name of Jesus, who is the Creator."  This makes us part of the Creator and able to command angels and spirits as Jesus did.

8> The TREE OF LIFE is a symbol of the Lord of Light, the Creator.  The Creator's own spirit is the real Tree of Life.  The Creator's own spirit is also referred to as "The Vine."  (And several other names.)

9> The fruit of the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil is that which brings a living thing into contact with the spirits that bring them into contact with the fallen ones and the spirits of death.

10> Just as the seed is planted into the earth it dies to become a new plant producing more seed and fruit, the spirit is planted into the body of flesh and exposed to the elementals of the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil (evil spirits).  Through this our personalities are shaped and we become who we will be.  Upon our deaths those who's fruit is good will be kept by the Creator and and they likewise become like spiritual trees in the new Garden of Eden.  They become part of the creative forces of the universe, and the cycle of life will begin again.

* Reincarnation: Okay you convinced me on this one, but what does Hebrews 7:9-10 mean if not reincarnation

Hebrews 7:9-10

9 One might even say that Levi, who collects the tenth, paid the tenth through Abraham, 10 because when Melchizedek met Abraham, Levi was still in the body of his ancestor.

A> The way I understand this, Levi had not yet been born.  The process of creation is just that, a process of interaction between spirits and the flesh.  Creation requires not just the physical bodies of the male and female to join but also the spiritual aspects of each partner.  Just as a curse can carry on for several generations within a family so can a blessing from God.  Many who are called and chosen are called because somewhere along the line one or more of their ancestors were called and within God's service.  When the angel took me in a night vision to an old log house with a wood burning stove.  There within the house was a dresser drawers.  (Clothing representing our service to God.)  Inside this dresser drawers was not clothing, but 9 books of my ancestry, the final book within these drawers has my name upon it and within that book is everything about me that is important to God, from my very first memory to the end of my days in this body.  God does not see days or relate to time as we do.  When it comes to dealing with God it must be known that spiritual things outweigh the physical things.  It is possible for a person to have an agreement with God and that agreement be fulfilled by a descendent.

A> Please note those who argue for the concept of reincarnation will say the bible supports it.  Yet in every argument they present they will fail to realize that when the concept was mentioned it was also rejected.  One of these arguments is as follows.

John 1: 21-23

21 They asked him, "Then who are you? Are you Elijah?"

He said, "I am not."

"Are you the Prophet?"

He answered, "No."

22 Finally they said, "Who are you? Give us an answer to take back to those who sent us. What do you say about yourself?"

23 John replied in the words of Isaiah the prophet, "I am the voice of one calling in the desert, `Make straight the way for the Lord.' "

A> Because when the Pharisees suggested that John might actually be the reincarnation of Elijah the proponents of the concept of reincarnation believe that it would not have been suggested if the possibility were not true.  The truth is that quite a few things are mentioned in the Bible that were not approved by God.  There are things mentioned in the Bible that were practiced by Godly people that were not taught by God, one of these is polygamy.  Because of the error in example by these favored men of God people will argue that God taught such things.  Yet God did not approve of this practice.  For God created one man and for that one man one woman.  And when the two are joined the two become one, or a "unity" of heart, mind and spirit.  And the other thing they fail to realize is that Elijah did not die, but was taken to heaven by the angels of God in a fiery chariot. Today they would call that chariot a UFO.

A> Why does there appear to be such evidence to support the concepts of reincarnation?  Because of the very nature of spirits, what they are, what they consist of, what they do as part of their function is to gather information and pass it along to another spirit or person along the way.  God gathers information the very same way and likewise the demons in the underworld also control, influence and gather information about people the very same way.  Intense memories of people who have lived can be placed within a living person's mind in such a way that these past lives become real to that person.  As such the concepts transform their lives from the inside out.  A similar method is used for viewpoint and remote viewing.  This represents the transfer of information from one point, place, person or animal to another.  It is possible for one spirit to touch another spirit or person and pick up pieces of information from them or pass along pieces of information to them.  You may have guessed it by now but this in essence is spiritual intercourse.  For everything that exists in the physical world first existed in the spiritual world.

* What happens to those who never have the opportunity to hear of Jesus. For example a young Asian who wants to please God but the only way he knows is to go to Buddhist Monastery? Is Ghandi in Hell?

A> I am instructed by the Holy Spirit to only speak of the things that have been revealed to me.  This I know from God.  No one can see the Father except the Son, and they who the Son (Jesus Christ, the Lord of Light, the Living Word) has revealed the Father to.  No one can come to the Son, except those who the Father sends.  The only method by which one can be recognized by the Father as worthy is through the indwelling of the Light of the Creator.  There are many who will worship false gods.  To God the Earth is the Great Garden and within the garden there are fruits of virtue and value and there are fruits that have gone bad on the vine.  There are many who are very sincere in their worship and desire to please their god and there are many who will fail.  But those who the Father sees and desires to have as His own will be directed toward the truth.  Their hearts and minds will be opened, their eyes will see and their ears will hear and accept these truths from God.  And in a miracle that is seen by God and those who the Son reveals it to, the lame will rise up and walk, and the dumb will speak words of wisdom and mystery that will confound those who are wise in their own eyes.

A> Buddha was a very fat man, considered a glutton, who taught concepts of restraint.  A man who founded a way of life based on experiences and observations from his own life.  His followers created the religion in Buddha's name, just as Mohammed's followers created the religion of Islam in the name of Mohammed in order to enslave an entire race of people and anyone who would believe the lies could be placed in spiritual bondage.  These are religions that teach the concept of following a human being who is not and was not God.  Buddha and Ghandi taught concepts of peace.  Many of the Tibetan religions teach concepts of peace and strength through being passive.  The concepts are not without some virtue.  Yet if a person who calls themselves a Christian can die having the spirit of religion and end up in a flaming pit in the underworld then where does that leave people of other religions who do not know the Creator?

* At the second coming, do we receive a new physical body, or do we stay in our spiritual body.

Those who are transformed into their new bodies will receive bodies like Christ Jesus had when he rose from the grave.  These are transfigured bodies.  They are not physical in the corruptible sense, yet they can appear, they can be solid, they can eat and experience things just as we do now.  They can also vanish and move unseen to the physical world.  They have many advantages to the physical bodies in that they never get sick, they never get cold, hot, hungry or tired, they don't need air to breath.  They can fly and move through space and time in ways that may be impossible to relate to.

* Your site references other books that were not canonized into the Bible. Several of these works can be found online at "Wesley Center for Applied Theology". How do I know which of these are the Inspired Word of God and which are not?

A> I have a rule that I go by.  Anything that disagrees with what is found in the printed Bible may not be helpful to one's quest for truth.  Yet there are books that were written by the very same people who wrote books that are found in the printed Bible, yet these books for some reason were not accepted as content for the Bible.  King James was not a virtuous man.  He had his faults and some of those faults he kept hidden while other faults were well known but no one cared to speak up for fear of loosing their heads.  This man was the final judge as to what texts would be included in the printed Bible.  There are other texts that are useful and some of these are found in "The Forgotten Books of Eden" and "The Lost Books of the Bible."  These texts are filled with a multitude of information that was not included in the printed bible as well as information that supports and verifies information that was included in the Bible.  Another book you will find useful is by E. Raymond Capt, "The Great Pyramid Decoded."  There are other books that are useful and helpful while there are a multitude of books filled with lies and twisted truths that should be avoided.  Some of those books literally have evil spirits watching over them.  They are not good for one just learning about these things.

* Do animals go to heaven?

A> There are animals in a place in heaven the likes of which you couldn't even imagine.  The spirits of animals are not judged like the spirits of human beings are judged.  Yet there are things in regards to certain animals spirits that people should not concern themselves with.  I will say that demons and evil spirits will sometimes use animals as hosts and literally drive an animal crazy.  Since the animal does not know right from wrong and did not choose to be host to a demon or foul entity the solutions to these cases belong in God's capable hands.  As I say "in a place" in heaven you must understand there are different dimensions in Heaven where certain types of spirits dwell.  Those who command angels as we are intended to do will dwell in a place separate from those spirits who do not know right from wrong.  Yet those who command angels are able to go into, and see into those places where other spirits exist.  It is virtually impossible for the human mind to comprehend the magnitude of such things.  It is not important to understand these things in order to accept salvation/Holy Spirit.  Many times people will ask questions that can't be answered to their satisfaction and therefore will refuse to believe in the truth of God because of it.  This is their loss.  Yet those who believe in God and are able to hold onto one truth the more truth and understanding of the truth will come to them in time.  God generally does not make things happen in an instant.  Wisdom and understanding only come through time and age and experiences.

* Meaning of Life? why does God send us here instead of just starting us off in heaven. It seems like we are given in infinitely small amount of time in physical world controlled by demons to make the decision for eternity.

A> God can create angels in a single moment by the "Word of His mouth."  Angels are created beings, they do not understanding the meaning of God's grace or His love.  We would call them robots because they perform the function they were programmed to perform.  Angels "should not make decisions on their own."  (Lucifer was capable of making decisions, and see what that got him and all of us.)  But those who are capable of commanding angels must be capable of making good informed decisions on their own.  The only way this kind of ability is created is through experience that can only come through time.  This came to us through Eve, then Adam and "The fruit of the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil."  The only way this could happen was for Adam and Eve to make the choice to disagree with God, to take a spirit of disobedience within their own spirit, and their spirit within their own body.  Through this a transformation took place within them and they became mortal flesh and blood.  People will argue over what the "fruit of the Knowledge of Good and Evil" actually was and quite often the apple gets the blame.  But a spiritual fruit is just that and the only thing you need to understand is they chose a spirit of disobedience to God's commands.  In this single act they realized they were naked before God and they were guilty of going against God's will for them.  Life forms that do not exist within God's presence exist literally without God's presence.  In this we find the essence and first stages of death.

A> In order for all these things that God intended to be accomplished within the human race certain unpleasant factors were maintained.  The fact that we humans must remain in a world inhabited by demons was the only way humanity could experience the conditions that were set forth by the sentence given to Adam and Eve.  In order for us to learn the difference between good and evil we must exist with the influences of spirits from the underworld and from heaven.  And so when the angel said "do you want me to dispose of the evil spirits" God told the angels NO because to do so would harm the good people who God  desires to keep for His own.

A> In order to gain a deeper understanding a person needs to realize how God the Creator actually creates things.  So many today still argue that God created everything that exists in 6 rotations of our earth in relationship to the sun.  Geologists and archeologists all know the earth was not created in 6 rotations of the earth, but was really created over billions of years.  They can both argue with each other until they are exhausted and neither side will give in to the other.  Geologists have evidence the earth was created over billions of years and the Christians only have the Bible to support what they choose to believe.  Astronomers use powerful telescopes and now the Hubble space telescope and can see the birth of entire universes.  The birth and dead of stars and many wonders that are included in God's creation.  They know the creation process is on going and never ending.  Yet the Creationists refuse to accept the truth based on their own lack of understanding of how God really creates things.  The truth is right there in their Bible and their eyes read over it yet they do not see it.  The Bible clearly says that God's days are not our days.  That a 1000 years is like a day or a day like a 1000 years, it makes no difference to God.  Read the Creation again very carefully.  No mater what God did the day didn't end until He was completed with what ever project He was working on.  The concept of "day" or "age" is not a day but rather a period of time.  It makes no difference to God if a billion years is one day.  Yet those with some head knowledge based on the lack of understanding will still argue because they are still blind to the truth of God's methods.  They strain at a gnat and swallow a camel.  Because they are incapable of understanding the truth they fuel the fire that burns against God.  They give fuel to the skeptics and unbelievers who hate God based on their own observations of Christians who hold to concepts based on the lack of understanding.  And so they say "We know God did not create the earth in 6 days because we have evidence to show otherwise."  And to our shame the Christians who hold to this concept will stubbornly say something like "The Bible says it, I believe it, and that's all there is to it."

A> The truth exists, the day isn't over until God is done with what ever He is involved in, and that is the simple truth of it.

* God said "thou shall not kill". Then ordered the Israelites to kill the Canaanites? Please explain.

A> Before the indwelling of the Holy Spirit people were given laws and rules to live by because many of them had no concepts of right or wrong.  The 6th commandment says "Thou shall not kill" to tell the people that cold blooded murder was unacceptable.  Some of their people were known to kill someone over the smallest of things.  But the truth being that it was not right to kill except in self defense.  The Canaanites were cold blooded murderers, God knew it, the Israelites knew it and in killing them it was considered self defense.  But let me give you another example.  When Moses brought the 10 commandments down from the mountain of God he found the people worshiping a golden calf.  He was furious, through the tablets down and broke them then immediately rounded up all those who were involved in the worshiping of the golden calf and had them all killed.  He broke the 6th commandment right at 3000 times that day in a fit of anger.  Should he have done that?  We know that Moses was prone to loose his temper with the Isrealites because of their hardheadedness. God did not approve of some of Moses's methods.  In fact because of one event of Moses loosing his temper and taking credit for something God was doing through him Moses never did get to enter the promised land.

A> In order to understand why Moses chose to kill all those people one needs to understand spirits.  Everything relates to them and everything is governed by them.  When people were so infected with foul spirits, in this case many foul spirits came from living among the Egyptians, they might not be saved.  If the person's spirit was cursed by God, them having a foul demon or spirits that had been cursed and cast down to the earth, they were spiritually infected.  This spiritual infection was contagious.  It could spread to other people within the community.  It is more likely that a bad spirit will overcome a good person than for a good spirit to overcome a bad one.  As such it is said that bad company ruins good morals.  Speaking from experience I know this to be true.  In other cases I will describe below, were done as they were for the very same reason.  Like cutting out a cancer from among the people of the world.

* Instead of God destroying men in the flood. Or later in fire. Why does he not just remove all the evil spirits from the world.

A> God wiped out the people in the days of Noah because they were cursed with foul spirits that God had cast down from the heavens.  If a cursed spirit joins with a person that person becomes cursed just like the spirit that inhabits them.  In this case they can not be redeemed, but they can infect those they come in contact with and cause them also to be cursed and incapable of being redeemed.  Now in those days there were beings upon the earth who were called by various names.  These were know as the Nephlam, and Enoch referred to them as "The Gregori" while still others just called them "The Watchers."  Now these beings were mentioned in the text of Enoch and in the book of Genesis.  Both texts said they came down to the earth and took to wife the daughters of men and had children by them.  These children were cursed as they were part human and part "Gregori" who were cursed by God for following after teachings of their leader Lucifer, who became Satan and the devil.  Remember how I said that reproduction was a process not only of the physical but also of the spiritual?  The genetic codes from both the male and the female must join in order to create a new life.  Likewise the spirits of the male and female also join within the egg to create this new life.  Half of that spirit of these children were cursed because of their fathers and there was no way provided for their redemption.  If an angel transgresses God's commands there is no forgiveness for them.  There is no redemption for them.  The Holy Spirit of the Christ cannot join with them, because the Father has all ready cursed them.  Every time these descendents joined with a mate to produce children the children were cursed and could not be saved.  Eventually all those living would contain the spirit of the cursed and nothing living on earth would be redeemable.  God's garden was invested and had to be destroyed in order to preserve those who were not infected.

A> They returned again and had children by human woman and Goliath was one of those and he fought with the Philistines.  Jericho was infested with the offspring of the Gregori and when the Israelite spies returned they told Joshua the land was filled with giants and "we are like grasshoppers to them."  They were afraid for their lives, and "how can we defeat these giants?"  And God sent his angels to lead the battle and told Joshua to kill everyone and take nothing as spoils from this place for everything in it is cursed by God.  And any who take spoils from Jericho would be killed, because everything there is cursed.  And Jericho was completely destroyed.  God's angels did the hard work and Joshua's army provided the faith and visible actions.

A> Sodom and Gomorrah are also examples of a cursed people without any hope of redemption.  And Lot and his wife and two daughters were brought from Sodom and his son left behind.  And God's angels rained fire upon Sodom and Gomorrah and all the surrounding towns and then God filled the land with salt water to prevent the land from being inhabited again by human beings.

A> In the cases of Noah's Flood and Sodom and Gomorrah we are clearly informed that homosexuality and sexual perversions were present.  Sexual perversions of this kind are considered an "abomination" to God.  Simply put it's one of those spirits that the Holy Spirit can not reside with.  Meaning there is no redemption for those who choose to be host to spirits of this kind.  There is redemption for those who the Father calls from that life of perversion.  I have taken great ridicule for my testimony of truth concerning such things.  Just as things in the physical world have rules that must be followed things in the spiritual world first had rules that must be followed.  Even the Creator has rules that He follows.  We call our understanding of the world around us "science" and we are aware of many aspects of Creation because of it.  We are aware of magnetism, electricity, gravity and inertia.  What people are not well aware of is there is a science to spiritual things.  Some sprits attract each other while others repel each other.  Spirits that are considered abominations repel God's spirit from them, and some repel with a vengeance.  And when they say "How can God condemn them, they aren't evil they are only Gay" then I will say to them it is not God who has condemned them, but it is they who have chosen to remain host to a demon spirit that is cursed and repels God's efforts to save them."  The truth be known where the homosexual spirit resides any and all kinds of other evil spirits may dwell.  It is not natural or intended by God the Creator that a man should be with a man or a woman with a woman.  They knew this long ago and many were put to death because of, yet the spirits would find new hosts and continue.  And then the proponents of this perversion will say "Animals do it and that's nature."  And I will say "Animals are host to perverted spirits as well, but for them it is not by choice."  The animals were not created "gay" they do not know any better, but humans should know better and because they should know they will be held responsible.  And in the last days before the second coming of God the world will be as it was in the days of Noah and Sodom and Gomorrah.

* How can we have free will when it is so heavily influenced by the presence of demons?

A> This is why we have a choice and free will.  This is what allows us to experience and then overcome such spirits who push their way into our lives.  And then we who recognize them must do some spiritual butt kicking and command those spirits to be gone from us.  To bind them in the spirit and kick them out.  Give no evil spirit a place in our lives or hearts.

* Once someone has received the Holy Spirit, can they lose it again.

A>  It happens sometimes, but it is rare.  If a person curses the Holy Spirit it is possible for them to offend the spirit and it will leave them and never return.

* Can a former atheist such as myself ever receive the Holy Spirit? I had openly rejected God and committed blasphemy against the Holy Spirit.

A>  If the Father has called you to come to Christ then yes it is possible for you to be saved and to accept the Holy Spirit of God.

These questions are in regard to your site. I may be misinterpreting some things you say so bear with me. Hopefully it is due to grammatical issues.

* Throughout your writings you use the word can't when referring to the Father.  i.e. God cant recognize some prayers Do you mean he doesn't or are you saying he is unable. I find it hard to believe that God is limited in any way. If he is limited, it is by his choice. He is all powerful.

A>  Pray to the Father in Jesus Name and the Father will hear us.  But Jesus Name is not saying the name of Jesus as we pray.  Jesus name or signature is "The Holy Spirit of God."  This is the spirit that puts our spirit in tune with the Father and with the Son.  It is not a mater of having power or choice, it is a mater of being on the right spiritual frequency to be recognized as being one of the Father's children.  The world is filled with a multitude of spiritual noise.  Have you ever done any HF work on a radio or even a CB radio?  Have you heard what they call "skip?"  This is the equivalent general frequencies of earth bound spirits.  At certain times of the day the skip is so bad that all you can hear is noise.  The same happens in the sprit world and with billions of people screaming away nothing but noise is heard.  But the Holy Spirit of Christ puts us on another frequency, a priority frequency, one that the Father monitors for the voices of His Children.

* In the same manner, Under the Sin Books & Book of Life section you say "the father fails to recognize his creation" Does he fail or refuse. The difference is enormous.

A> The answer to this question is above.  The Bible clearly says the prayers of the wicked are offensive to God.  The reason deals with a long complex answer.  The simple short reason is that anyone can command spirits to do various things.  Most of them have no real power or influence over anyone or anything.  Yet anyone can send spirits or in some cases demons out to accomplish certain tasks.  Dealing with this subject requires a deeper understanding of spiritual warfare.  The bases of these things deal with witchcraft, voodoo and all forms of religions that deal with the commanding of spirits for personal gain.

* It sounds like in your writings that God is constantly at war with the demons. How can this be. A demon can not fight God. I get the impression from what I read that the demons are almost equal to God. In your section on homosexuals, you indicated that the Holy Spirit could not stand to dwell in such a person. It sounded like God was afraid or weaker than the demon.

A> God is not afraid of demons.  He allows them to exist and reside on earth among us.  The in-depth answer is once again a complex one in which I must choose my words with care, because sometimes the truth is sealed up until the time it should be revealed.  Sometimes God chooses to reveal truths to certain people.  God is not really at war with demons, because God cast them down from the heavens.  But the war is a battle over our souls and it is our battle as well as the angels who watch over us.  God in this sense observes to see the outcome of the battles.  This is all part of the creation process.  This war between the angels and the demons is the fire in which we simmer.  This is the options we have been given, the chance to choose who we will align ourselves with.  This is how we will ultimately become who we will be for all eternity.

* God is all powerful, how can an evil spirit bind God?

A> Evil spirits can bind earth bound spirits in relationship to human beings and what they believe in.  For example I asked a "WhiteFire" minister to pray for me to receive the gift of tongues.  He prayed for me for about 30 minutes thinking that I didn't have the Holy Spirit because I didn't speak in tongues.  Then looked up and said "something's wrong here."  And he began to pray in tongues and in a few moments he said "God tells me that you all ready have the Holy Spirit but that it is bound by a lie."  Then he changed his prayer and began to pray to unbind the Holy Spirit within me.  And in another 30 minutes or so I began speaking and praying in tongues.  The Holy Spirit within me was bound because of incorrect teachings from the Christian churches I grew up in.


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