Of Spiritual Things.

By Bryon Smith

Last Updated on 2/11/2005

Spiritual Things HOME page.

Latest update: This website has been moved to its own folder.  There's two Spiritual Things websites inside of this folder.  Sometimes pages get overwritten.  These are the old pages, all the new pages are created using IMS Web Engine and look completely different than these older pages.  There's still a wealth of information on the old pages that was not transferred to the new pages so I'm leaving these out here for you.  My personal experiences pages are out here and they are not on the new website.  If you find anything that doesn't work right please report it to me.  Thank you.

Update: There are a few things that were not working right on this website.  I am trying to fix them.  For one this page has become too long and I am working to break the pages down into smaller segments.  When I get the site working correctly again I intend to begin a complete redesign of this site and place it into it's own folder.  Please bear with me while these changes are being made.  This entire website is now being converted into printed text format for those who do not have access to computers or printers or who have limited access.  We are receiving requests for this site in printed form from people in different parts of the world where computers are a rare thing for the average person.  A modified copy of this site now exists in a church library in Nigeria.  Others send me Emails telling me they have printed this website off for future study.  Some send messages telling me they work for the government and not to reveal who they are, but they have questions about spiritual things.  I've received messages from reforming atheists and Satanists who have read this website and changed their mind about spiritual things, turning their hearts over to Jesus Christ.  Praise be to God for His wonders.  I've had a list of questions sent to me for me to answer and I hope to post a page here with those questions and my answers on that page just as soon as I can get time to do it.

Accepting the Truth, can change your life forever.


Caution! There are some profound truths contained on this website.  If you are not actually looking for spiritual truth then you are in the wrong place.

This website is not here for everyone, but only for a selected few who were chosen and called by God to find it and read what is contained on these pages.  These pages contain a wealth of good information for those seeking to find their spiritual path in life.  You may have a question or problem about something that is confusing you and holding you back spiritually.  Perhaps you will find the answers on these pages. God bless.

My new friends, people who have discovered this website who because of their prayers to God where sent here by God for guidance frequently tell me to hurry and finish this website then publish it in novel format.  It is my intention to do just that at the right moment in time when the Holy Spirit tells me it's ready.  Therefore the content of this entire website is copyrighted by me and must not be used by anyone else in any commercial sense or purpose.

Please feel free to read the Testimony page to see what some of the other visitors to this website are saying.

Sometimes People Get Angry

Reading this website and even just talking with me makes some people furious with me.  They want to blame me for things that God said.  I say "Take it up with God if you don't like it.  I didn't say it, He did."  Why does He want you to know these things?  Because He loves you and wants you to join Him and the rest of us in Heaven.  He does not want you to spend eternity in Hell Fire.

I was not sent back from the dead in order to say things to please people who choose not to accept the truth.  I wasn't sent back to have someone else tell me what the truth is.  I was sent back to tell people what God gives me to tell them.  The most important thing of course is to tell you the Bible is the inspired word of God, and I'm here to explain several very important things you will need to know and understand.  We are living in the final days before the Great Tribulation and the second coming of Christ.  The seals that were upon some of those secret things God told to David and the other prophets is being opened.  Secrets are being revealed.  Some of these secrets will be revealed here on this website and in the printed counter-part of this website.

In this world there are a multitude of people with every concept and religion that you might imagine and some you might not ever think of.  After being sent back from the dead the second time by by a angel and having seen things that verify exactly what the Bible says, I find that I can talk to just about anyone for a few minutes and eventually I'll say something that offends them.  Of course God occasionally puts words in my mouth that offend people, but then again perhaps they had it coming.  It depends on your point of view I guess.  God says to His prophet, "You go there and tell them what I tell you to tell them."  And the prophet says "Yeah, right Lord.  They didn't listen to you when you were talking to them now you want to send me over there?  Well I have news for you Lord, they can't reach you but they can certainly reach me and we both know what they do to your prophets when they don't like the message, don't we?  Ever heard the saying, 'if you don't like the message then kill the messenger?'"

Think about it.  God only sends in His Prophets when the people refuse to listen and obey God's Word.  They are all ready at odds with the One True God before God sends that poor prophet in there to face the hungry lions.  Do you think God thought about how He might offend people with some of the things He had his prophets write in the Bible?

God:  My prophet, I have need of you to write these things I tell you in my Holy Inspired Text you are writing.  I have seen the people having dealings with the fallen angels and their influences.  They converse and have spiritual intercourse with every foul spirit in My book of Foul Spirits.  These spirits literally move into the people who have dealings with them and they reside there and multiply.  The foul spirits make these people over from the inside out until even I can no longer recognize them as being human.  Here is My list, add these things to your text as I have said.

Prophet:  Ah, let's see Lord, maybe we should reword that a little bit so we don't offend someone, what do you think?

God:  If they don't do exactly as I tell them they will loose their eternal souls in the pits of hell fire for time without end!

Prophet:  Yeah but if you have me tell people they can't remain lying, drunken, lazy, bums all their life and still be saved your going to have drunken red-necks beating my door down wanting to crucify me.

God:  My spirit cannot abide with evil spirits that have been cursed and cast down from the Heavens.

Prophet: Ok, but can't we cut the homosexuals some slack.  I mean I know some that aren't half bad people.

God:  Flood of Noah, Sodom and Gomorrah, ring any bells  with you?

Prophet:  Yeah I remember.  Your angels rained fire and brimstone down from the heavens that was so hot it literally burned the stones those cities were made of to ashes.  I hear that was some light show.

God:  I was just clearing my throat.  If people don't turn from their wicked ways and stop dealing with demons and foul spirits of the underworld I'll give them a light show the likes of which you couldn't imagine.

Prophet:  You want me to write that down to?

God:  Yes, write that down to.  Knowing  human kind as I do we best not take any chances.

And the prophets of God wrote down what God told them to write and they warned people over and over again each one using similar terms to describe the very same things.  And God sent warnings one after another to remind the people who was in charge and what the results of sin would bring them.  And time and time again they turned to their own hearts, they live in sin and build their idols and golden calf's they worship even to this day.

Prophet:  Lord?

God:  Yes.

Prophet:  I have done as you have asked and at the risk of my own life I have written the words you told me to write, reminding the people who read it so they will know how to steer clear of your wrath.  If they follow your instructions they should find their way into your favor.

God:  And if they do not, then on the day of the Great White Throne Judgment I shall say, "I told you so."

2 Peter 2:4  For if God did not spare angels when they sinned, but sent them to hell, putting them into gloomy dungeons to be held for judgment; 5 if he did not spare the ancient world when he brought the flood on its ungodly people, but protected Noah, a preacher of righteousness, and seven others; 6 if he condemned the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah by burning them to ashes, and made them an example of what is going to happen to the ungodly; 7 and if he rescued Lot, a righteous man, who was distressed by the filthy lives of lawless men 8 (for that righteous man, living among them day after day, was tormented in his righteous soul by the lawless deeds he saw and heard)-- 9 if this is so, then the Lord knows how to rescue godly men from trials and to hold the unrighteous for the day of judgment, while continuing their punishment. 10 This is especially true of those who follow the corrupt desire of the sinful nature and despise authority.

Numbers 12:6:  "If a prophet is among you I the Lord make myself known to him in a vision, I speak with them in dreams."

No mater what your beliefs are by the time you get done reading this entire website area you should have the answers to many critical questions concerning The One True God, humanity, and yes, "The Meaning of Life."

Important Facts

1) There is only one Father.  There is only one Creator.  There is only one begotten (born of the flesh) Son of God.  There is only one Key to heaven that is the Holy Spirit that was created by the process of the life, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ.  Only the Christian denominations offer any real link to the One True God and a few of them are better than others.

2) Jesus is exactly who he said he was.  He was the only begotten son of the Father.  He is the Christ, the Creator, the redeemer, the judge of human kind.  He is the way the truth and the life and no one comes to the Father except through him.  He/his spirit is the keys to heaven.  His spirit is the Holy Spirit which is the key to Heaven.  He was the Living Word of God before he was born in the flesh and He is once again the Living Word of God now that He has returned to Heaven and sent the Holy Spirit back for his friends.

3) Not all of the god's people worship were/are actually gods, all but one of them were fallen angels.  These fallen angels are now known as demons.  They go by many names and all of them want your devotion, if nothing more than to prevent you from finding the truth.  All demons are liars and love to twist the truth.  All demons hate God, Christ the Lord of Light, the Holy Spirit of Christ and anyone who has anything to do with them.  Demons bring more than deceptions and twisted truths they bring all forms of illness with them.

4) Religion is the imitation of a form of godliness.  The basic essence of religion was created by Lucifer before his fall from Heaven.  It is possible for a person to accept a spirit of religion and believe they are saved when they are not.  Because of this even Christian churches are filled with people who think they are saved when they are not.  Believing you are saved with all your heart will not save you.  Doing a life time of good deeds will not save you.  Only the indwelling of the Holy Spirit of God can and will save your eternal soul.

5) The process of receiving the Holy Spirit is simple.  You must repent of your sins.  You must confess that Jesus Christ is the only begotten son of God.  You must give your heart completely to God.  You must ask God to send the Holy Spirit to live inside of you making you its host.  You must have someone there who has the Holy Spirit within them to lay hands on you at that time so the spirit can flow from them to you.  Where's the big problem?  You can not receive the Holy Spirit from someone who does not have it!  Just praying for the Holy Spirit isn't enough, you must take a certain action to accomplish this objective.

6) If a person can be lost thinking they are saved within the Christian religion where does that leave people involved in other non Christian religions?  (Don't get mad about it.  Keep reading and you will discover how that can happen and how God showed me that it can and does happen.)

7) My spirit guide is the Holy Spirit of Christ.  Anyone who's spirit guide isn't obviously the Holy Spirit of God need to question and test the spirits who are leading them.  Not always but frequently people who use the term "spirit guides" are of pagan spirits and not of God.  No matter how much truth they tell you eventually they will mislead you.

8) When dealing with dreams and night visions anyone who says snakes are symbols of earth wisdom and/or healing spirits or owls are symbols of wisdom are of pagan inclinations and not of God.  God the Creator placed the meaning on dream symbols and the snake and serpent has represented the deceiver since before Adam was ever created.  How people speak of these symbols will reveal the base nature of the dominate spirits within them.  They may have the best intentions in the world but the Holy Spirit of God is not speaking through them clearly so be careful of listening to their advice and test everything they say carefully.  The catch to this "knowledge" is the serpent was the deceiver and it lived in the "Tree of the knowledge of good and evil."  So when you see a snake in your dreams you should realize 1) There's something you are not aware of.  It could be a deception.  2) The knowledge of that deception is being made known to you in your dream.  In this seeing a snake in your dream can help you find the deception and hopefully avoid the inevitable end result.  There you will find "the knowledge of evil."

9) The Bible is the inspired texts of God.  Jesus Christ is the Living Word of God.  Don't confuse the two.  The Bible is capable of one way communications to the reader.  The Living Word of God is capable of two way communications with an individual, because it is truly Christ's voice and He Lives!

10) The meaning of life?  For the answer to that question you will need to keep reading.  I will give you some clues.  It has to do with something the Creator could only create in the physical plane of existence.  It is directly connected to free will.  Everything in the spirit world is based on spirits.  Everything in the physical world is affected by spirits.  So what is the one thing the Creator can create in the physical world that He can not create in the spiritual world?

11) The United States of America was founded upon principles set forth by God and given to us through men who were following God's instructions.  Those God given principles were intended to both prosper and preserve this great country and bless it and its people.  But there's trouble in paradise.  Do you want to help?  Read "Did You Know?"

12)  The flaming pits of The Underworld are filled with the screaming souls of people who before they died knew without a doubt they were right/saved.

13)  Don't hold your breathing waiting for the alien mother ship to drop down out of the sky to save you.  There are spiritual, and some supernatural beings who are misidentified as being aliens but the term alien doesn't exactly describe who these beings really are.  There are "fiery chariots" that are identified as UFO's and flying saucers.  But not everything you see is exactly what it appears to be.  Even the host of heaven under God's command are sometimes identified as aliens, but they are as much a apart of us and this world as we are.  Yes they are ascended beings.  Though some of them are different from us I prefer not to call them aliens, at least not on these webpages where I hope to make these things clear to my visitors.  The ascended beings do not want your worship.  The moment you take your eyes off Christ the Lord of Light you stray from the path into the Light.  The Father and the Son are the only ones who are truly important to you.

14) People who are possessed or under the influence of demons usually are not aware of their condition.

15) The God of the Bible does not teach polygamy.  There were those in the Bible who practiced it but God did not teach it. He created one woman for one man.  Matthew 19:4-6  1 Corinthians 7:2  She was not to be a sex object, but a helper comparable to him.  Genesis 2:20 NKJ.

I can say these things not because someone preached it to me.  Not because I read it in the Bible but because God Himself showed me these things and verified them to be true and factual. Before one script was ever written there was God and there were a few humans.  God and certain humans had a relationship.  Enoch walked with God and it is said he was taken to Heaven many times to be with God and the angels.  It is written that he was the first of the decedents of human kind to learn to write.  He wrote the things God showed him and as such the first holy inspired texts were created.  It is also said the texts that Moses taught from concerning the creation and certain other things came from the writings of Enoch.  First comes faith then through faith the truth is revealed.  God still speaks to His people, in fact more than ever.  And in my case He spoke to me, called me from where I was and took me on a tour of religions to show me the truth about them.

What Became Of The Special Spiritual Gifts?

Acts 2:17-18: 'And in the last days it shall be, God declares, that I will pour out my Spirit upon all flesh, and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, and your young men shall see visions, and your old men shall dream dreams; yea, and on my menservants and my maidservants in those days I will pour out my Spirit; and they shall prophesy.'

The devil and his bunch are very good at offering explanations for spiritual impotence.  They know the rules of the game.  They know if you don't use your talents you will loose them!  All they have to do is convince people that God doesn't grant special gifts of the spirit anymore and then the people won't even try.  Ask yourself these questions. "What did God put us here in the first place for?"  Do you think he put us here to develop a bunch of spiritually impotent religious clones?  Or did he put us here to develop our abilities and gifts in spiritual warfare?  Why are there 144,000 elite of God if everyone is equal in the gifts of the spirit?  Think about it!  Who are the 144,000 elite of God?  Why are they "elite?"

There are those who say the special gifts of the Holy Spirit have been done away with.  They base their beliefs and teachings on the fact that they themselves have no spiritual gifts. They base their beliefs in the "lack of evidence" of things not described in the scriptures.  In order to justify their misunderstanding they twist the scriptures to say what they think must be the only explanation.  They missed the mark without realizing what went wrong then they teach their mistake to everyone else who will accept it.  If they see someone who has special gifts they proclaim it is of the devil, yet even the least of God's servants has more power and authority than the devil.  Some of these anti-power of the Spirit people say that Prophets don't prophesy anymore and they twist the scripture to say what they have chosen to believe in while throwing away all the scriptures like Acts 2:17-18 that contradict what they are trying to say.  If they understood what the plan of salvation evolved and what the Holy Spirit really is they would also understand they must make a new choice.  Either to embrace the truth with open arms or to completely reject the God of our salvation.  Because the Holy Spirit produced by Jesus Christ is in fact part of Jesus's own spirit.  Be certain of this, Jesus has not lost His authority or His gifts.  Neither have they who have the indwelling of the Holy Spirit of God and actually make use of those talents.

Dr. Jack Deere, pastor for many years persecuted Christians who said God spoke to them and who spoke of the special gifts of the Holy Spirit.  He did that until God showed him the error of his ways.  He wrote two books that are MUST READS for every Christian who is serious about their spiritual path in life.  Now both novels are published as a single book.  A $30 value on sale for $9.99.  Click on the novel graphic for more information.

Yes I am of the Pentecostal faith now, not because I was raised that way but because God the Father delivered me from an impotent Christian denomination into His gifts and power of His Spirit.  As described in Numbers 12:6 He spoke to me by voice, visions, and continues to speak to me through night visions and dreams and shows me the truth of these things.  I've died, gone to heaven, and then was given a choice by the angels of God if I wanted to return to this life.  I told them I was no longer afraid of death. I have experienced the shadow of death myself and I am not afraid.  I've been allowed to walk among the spirits many times, to see spirits and understand what they are and their purpose in creation, and yes the shadow of death looks just like a shadow and has substance in the spirit.  I chose to return to the physical life to tell the message that God has given me and share it with those of you who find this website.  Some of you will be lead here by God through the Holy Spirit you all ready have inside you.  Some of you are lead here because you received a calling or asked God for guidance about something.  Some of you are sharks in the water seeking who you might deceive or discredit along your path.  Some of you are religious wolves, having the spirit of religion and a form of godliness from the devil instead of the Holy Spirit from Christ.  You can't tell the difference between religion and spirituality because the spirit of religion you accepted blinds you to the truth.

The things on this website as in the Bible are spiritually discerned.  Even a child of God new with the Holy Spirit can understand many of the things on this website because the Holy Spirit within them assures them what the truth from God really is.  When they can not find the answers they seek in the churches or from the preachers sometimes God brings the very special ones to this website and to me for me to answer their questions for them.  This is my ministry given to me by God.  Sometimes they come to my house and ask these questions. I was up last night until 1am helping 3 others who came to me with their questions concerning the scriptures and God.

I don't expect or ask anyone to follow me, but follow Christ instead.  I am one of the least of the servants of God.  I do not want your money or worldly possessions.  I do not want to preach in a church, it is not my calling.  But I was put here by God to help those of you who can't find what you need within the churches.  And when the little bird can fly it will leave the nest and go out and find its calling to help others along life's pathways.  As I help you then you will in turn go and help others.  It is the way of God's servants.

Another thing I try to explain to those with concerns is that God is in fact in control.  There are those who run this way and that and protest things they can't possibly change thinking in some way they are doing God's work for Him.  I know from personal experience that if God didn't speak to them and actually send them to do those things they are wasting their time.  Sometimes they even end up bringing about the event they so desperately fear without realizing it until its to late.

"For God has put it into their hearts to carry out His own purpose by acting in harmony in surrendering their royal power and authority to the beast, until the prophetic words (intentions and promises) of God shall be fulfilled." [Revelation 17:17; Parallel <http://cuttingedge.org/results.cfm?Category=All&keywords=amplified> Bible, KJV/Amplified Bible Commentary]

You might like to read this page... Cutting Edge!  I didn't write it, but you can read it if you like and decide for yourself.

Prophets see things before they happen.  Read about the last shuttle disaster and how modern prophets saw it before hand. That's not all, there will be a new page here before long with more dreams predicting the shuttle disasters and a lot more tribulations to come upon America and the Earth.  I'm sorry I have not posted these new things and dreams and night visions yet.  I have been very busy on other projects.  I'm a published author, a videographer and a webmaster. It keeps me very busy.  Recently someone bought the first novel "The Medallion Mystery" because they read this website, found it interesting and wanted a closer look inside my head. :-)  I did not tell them to do that, but they followed their heart and I pray will find the answers they are looking for.  Only God could have inspired them to follow that route.  But it is true, I have literally hidden quite a lot of truth within the pages of a fictional novel series.

It is possible to spend your entire life in church and never actually find God.

If you're having problems with your religion or belief system and searching for answers to your questions, you might just find what you are looking for on these pages.  This is why I wrote them and put them here.  If you have a question for me please ask, I will do my best to answer it for you.  There is an E-mail link on down the page here.

Does God still speak to people?  Well he speaks to his children, yes he does.

If your preacher or pastor tells you that God doesn't talk to people anymore the first thing you should do is change churches, because that's not what the Bible says.  God is the same yesterday, today and forever.  He spoke to people back in Numbers 12:6 and speaks to them more than ever today, just as Jeremiah 23 and Acts 2:17-18 said he would.  But with the intervention of the Holy Spirit, thanks to Jesus Christ, God can and will speak to His children.  The Holy Spirit is Christ Within.  Christ is the "Living Word of God" as described by John in the Gospel of John.  If the "Living Word" is "within" then certainly God can speak to that person.  So if the preacher isn't in continual two way communications with God there's a better than average chance that he himself does not possess the indwelling of the Holy Spirit.  Of them the Bible has several things to say.  They are the builders who rejected the Chief Corner Stone, who is Jesus Christ.  They are the blind guides who lead the blind.  They are the ones who the book of Revelations refers to, God speaking when God says "I will show them you are mine." Because it was the blind preachers who condemned God's modern-day prophets saying they were not of God, but of the devil.  Believe me, God speaks to his people, especially those who listen.  But if the preacher doesn't have the Holy Spirit, but instead the spirit of religion, there is no wonder they are unable to hear God speaking to them.  These are the latter days spoken of in the Bible where God said that "I will pour out my spirit upon mankind and your son's and daughters shall prophecy."  That spirit is the Holy Spirit of God, produced by Jesus Christ, poured out upon his children.  His body broken for us and for all who would accept Him.  God speaks to people more than ever in all of history and anyone who says He doesn't missed the boat.  They should get humbled, on their knees and pray like crazy to correct their sad spiritual condition.  Then they need to find a good Holy Spirit filled person who will lay hands upon them and pray the Holy Spirit into them.  Only then can they truly be "born again!"

The Fine Line Between Sanity and Insanity

F.A.Q.'s  Spiritual Links

Spiritual Secrets 101   Alien / UFO Factor   Concerning the Last Days

The Spirit of Islam

Personal Experiences 1   Personal Experiences 2   Read God's Voice   A Church Home?

What is the deal about homosexuals and God?

What is the right Church?

A Prayer   God's Tough Love!

Does Christianity Offend You?  Ever wonder Why?

When I don't respond to your messages!   Giants!  The Great Pyramid

The Dream Link Dream Website

Government Sanctioned Poisons

Why I Lost A Friend who hates President Bush with a passion.

The Hate Bush Campaign Wagon and WMD Iraq and France

On Line Bible   Clinton made Promises that were kept by Bush

"And I looked and. lo, a Lamb stood on Mount Zion, and
with him an hundred forty and four thousand, having his
Father’s name written in their foreheads. And I heard a
voice from heaven, like the voice of many waters, and
like the voice of a great thunder; and I heard the voice
of harpers harping with their harps. And they sang as it
were, a new song..." Rev. 14:1-3.

Sometimes when God is sending me messages about certain things He will even have my friends help me without me even asking them to.  Most of the time they act without even realizing it was God who inspired them to send me certain messages.  God verifies what He wants me to know and to write.  These things are not just words I write from the depths of my own desires but things I do my very best to write because God wants me to.  This morning one of my friends sent me a URL with a link that had this quote from Revelation 14.  This is a text that I use frequently in my teaching.  God was telling me I was on right on track but He wanted me to put this here at the top of this page for my visitors to read.

Before you even get started you should understand what God and John were talking about when they said these elite of God sing a new song.  Their song is their message from God to the world.  You will notice it is a "New Song" and not an old song.  It is something they have not heard before but it was in fact given to them by God and being sung by the angels and by the 144,000 elite of God.  Religious people don't care much for new songs but the time is now and the elite of God are all ready singing those new song's God has given them.  This website, this page represents one of my new songs.

Mount Zion is not just the City of Light or city of God but Mount Zion is the throne of the Lord of Light.  It is God's command structure and it is made up of living souls who have received their new song and their white stone with a new name written upon it.  The chief corner stone is the capstone on this structure.  The "Chief Corner Stone" the builders rejected is the Lord of Light who is the Lamb, and who is Jesus Christ.  There is only one structure in all of existence that has a chief corner stone and that is the structure of the pyramid.  The master corner stone is at the base of the structure and only touches two walls of the structure.  The Chief Corner Stone on the other hand resides at the top of the structure and touches all sides of the structure.  If you ever wondered what Zion looks like, it is a brilliant glowing white pyramid.  If you ever wondered what the city of Heaven looks like it is a massive cube like structure that shines like a brilliant star in the vastness of a spiritual dimension.  In the dimension of the heavens where the great city exists it appears as a bright and shining star, as does Christ, the saints and the angels of Light.  If you were allowed to see these things then you would understand why the prophet refers to a fallen angel as a fallen star.

God has shown me many wondrous things and yet I have seen so little.  I love it when He allows me to share these things with others, it is the reason why I have been returned to this life, it is part of my fellowship with others who have a special calling in this life.  He has also shown me things that He has instructed me not to say or to describe because the devil loves nothing better than to use a symbol to mislead other people away from God with.  Some things are beneficial for some to understand but for others certain truths are not helpful but can be more harmful to them if they do not have the proper understanding of these things.  Some of these things are things the devil has all ready used against people.  The devil is a copy cat and when he can take something of God and then pervert it to mislead people with he most certainly will.


When you come into the classroom you do not do so in order to argue with the teacher, you come here to learn from the teacher.  This is my classroom.  I put it here because God told me to.  It is here for all who God leads to this place so that you may learn from what God has given to me to share with you.

I'm not as young as I once was, and that's one way of saying I feel old and very tired most of the time.  I have lived a life spiced with strange and paranormal events.  I am not a conventional Christian because of my particular calling to serve the Lord of Light.  My patients and time are both limited so in order not to waste your time or mine I created this webpage.  I am also a published author and one day this work will be published God willing and if that's what God wants for it.  This is why there is a copyright notice at the bottom of the page.  This page has not been edited yet and is a work in progress so if you find mistakes don't worry hopefully my editor will find it and fix it so they won't be there when it is finished.

This webpage and web-area is under development at this time, continually being edited and changing.  You may read this page now and come back 30 minutes later and it will have been edited and changed again in order to complete this work as it should be.  Later on it may be broken down into a kind of book format on here and into separate pages for each segment.  God is constantly guiding me and leading me as to what should be on it.  Then when it is finished I expect it will be published in book format so that even more people can read the messages God has delivered to them through me and perhaps even through some of His other faithful servants.  Some of the people visiting and reading this page now will carry the message from God on from here to others passing along this same message.

I am not looking for followers to follow me!  I don't want people to up and leave Christian based churched because of anything I say here.  You may need to find a new church if the one you are going to denies the power of the Holy Spirit or is very religions instead of spiritual.  I'm here to explain to you how God the Father wants you to follow Him and gave you a very good method to do that.  Sometimes people miss the mark and they are still trying and then God guides them here to help them find something they need in their spiritual well being.  God doesn't want you to require some human translator to explain these things to you.  He doesn't want you to require a priest or preacher to constantly interpret what God wants of you and what He desires of you.  God wants to be in your every day life night and day and talk to you Himself and this is the main purpose of this webpage.  To help guide you to a spiritual condition where you can communicate with God just as I do and hopefully even better.  When I capitalize certain words like "Truth" I am not referring just to "truth" but to a "Living Truth."  This is another term I use to describe "The Living Word of God" by.  It is another term used to describe the "Lord of Light" who is "Jesus Christ."

Before you even begin I want you to understand the Truth offends people and the more they choose to believe in lies the more they will be offended by what is written upon this page.  So if you do not love the Truth more than anything else this is not the page you want to be reading.  If you want to have a close personal relationship with God and you have been having troubles with that and praying to God for answers then God lead you here for a reason whether you like what is written on this page or not, God wants you to read it.

Please understand I am not a member of any particular religious group and I have no particular church denomination that I belong to that might compel me to take one religious view over another.  That just means I can't tell you to go to my church because I don't have one.  My teachers are the Inspired Word of God (the Bible) and the Living Word of God (Jesus Christ), which are two separate things.

I have a multitude of wonderful spiritual experiences I want to share with all of my visitors here and later in book format.  The contents of this webpage and web-area is only a tiny fraction of those things I would like to share.  At the same time I have tried to put the most important things here and will later add other pages and segments from my own personal experiences.

Some spiritually insecure people roam and search the Internet just looking for someone who has different ideas than they have so they can start an argument with them.  They argue out of insecurity as if the outcome of their winning or loosing the argument will determine if they go to Heaven or hell.  I do not have time or desire to argue with anyone.  If you found this webpage then it's because God sent you to find it and it is for your own benefit usually not mine.  (If you find something here you liked, something that helped you in your spiritual life please send me a message and let me know.  My prayers are with you.  If you find something here you don't like, take it up with God not me because I'm only doing my best to write what He tells me here.)  Yes sometimes God sends someone to send me a message just to get my attention so I can listen to what God is trying to say to me but it's usually not what the person who sends the message is trying to convince me of.  A good example is receiving a message from someone telling me the written word is the "Living Word of God" and while they are saying this God is getting my attention to write and tell my readers here the explanation for this and what the difference is between the "Living Word of God" and the "Inspired Word of God."  No God doesn't want me to believe what they say but to explain what they say and why it is what they believe in and what they preach to people is wrong.  God does in fact speak to those who listen.  God does in fact have a real voice and can speak words that can be quoted word for word.

If you have questions you can *E-mail me and I will try to answer them for you.  Because of out of control junk mailers I've been forced to change my e-mail address and add something to it to prevent the robot's the junk mailers use to gather e-mail addresses from websites. When you click on the E-Mail me button there you must then remove the ".removethis" from the end of the address in order to actually send me an e-mail.

**Do not send me e-mail trying to correct me or to argue with me telling me things like the Catholic Church is the One True Church that Jesus Himself established, etc.  Don't try to argue with me why Catholics pray to Mother Mary because Jesus never told anyone to do anything of the kind.  Don't tell me that she intercedes for you and prays for you not that she wouldn't pray for you or doesn't pray for you because Mary knows you need help, but because Jesus said that He intercedes for us and if you understand how the Holy Spirit actually functions and what it really is then you would understand and then you would sing a new song to. 

Jesus never said to pray to Him either He said to pray to the Father in His name and the Lord's prayer is an example of this.  Jesus didn't say "Pray to me and I will talk to God the Father for you."  He was trying to help people understand that once the Holy Spirit was living within them that it was in fact the essence of Jesus himself who was able to speak to the Father for them.  Since Jesus is God's son God the Father is able to quickly recognize His Son's voice or voices as the case may be.  If you pray to the Father and you have the Holy Spirit then it will translate and intercede to the Father causing the Father to recognize your voice as if you were His own child, and in fact you would be and are His child He hears your prayers.  He can hear your spirit all the time like a continual incense that constantly ascends to the Father from your very soul.  Before we were given the Holy Spirit things were different, much different but now every single person who has the Holy Spirit can speak to and receive answers and instructions back from the Father.  Where would the One True Church be today if every single person on earth had the Holy Spirit and understood and listened to God's voice?  You can't put it in a building!  There is no building on earth large enough to house it!  All the people of the earth would be united in one spirit by one mind and that being the mind of the Father who is God.  The Holy Spirit of God is always ready and willing to stand up and speak when people are ready and willing to listen.

Beads, scepters and statues are from pagan religions being mixed with Christianity.  The Bible says make for yourselves no images of things in heaven or earth as a religious ornament yet there are religions today that have these things plastered all over the place and yes people pray to them in the name of God.  They pray to the image of Mary especially and ask Mary to pray for them not even realizing that God said DO NOT DO THIS but they do it anyway because their religious leaders tell them to.  Don't listen to anyone who tells you the bread and the wine will magically transform into the blood and body of Jesus Christ because those who say that do not realize that anyone who has the functional Holy Spirit of Christ has both the body and the blood joined into their own spirits.  (This is not to say you shouldn't be baptized and partake of the communion because you should. The act itself is intended to carry over until the understanding of the act is made manifested to all who observe it.  The true understanding can not come to you unless you receive the Holy Spirit.)

Anytime someone tells you to use beads and pray to images and statues you need to run the other way because that person or church isn't going to be much help to you in finding the way to the Light.  They will most certainly impose certain man made religious restrictions upon you and all of their followers that will limit your spiritual abilities and understanding to some degree.  The Holy Spirit is a part of Jesus Christ and those who have the Holy Spirit, when they pray to the Father the prayer automatically goes through the spiritual translation of the Holy Spirit before it accesses the Father.  This is the definition of praying in Jesus name and how it works.  If they would read their own Bibles and believe what is written there they would gain a new understanding and sing a new song.  They can't understand how their own spirits have been bound up to believe in certain lies and misconceptions.  If you could actually see the Holy Spirit bond with a human spirit you would understand clearly how it works and the lies would no longer have a grip on your life.  In this truth it was written that Jesus came to set us free from the laws that bind us, then the Truth will set us Free.

When I don't Respond to Your Message

*** This website is being edited off and on continually and from one visit to the next there may be new information, or old information that has been edited to improve the quality of the information on this page.

Why Did I Go to the Trouble of Writing this Webpage?

People frequently ask me questions that others have not been able to answer for them.  I end up rewriting these messages to people over and over again and my eyes are not what they were neither are my hands.  I'm also very busy and can't stop to explain these things every other day.  I don't even have time to read all my mail most of the time.  But people want to know how I get my information and why I think as I do about these things.  Even those who do believe in the Christian God can't get the answers from their preachers, pastors and leaders because more often than not they do not know or understand the answers.  The following text is a modified answer I gave to a person concerning O.B.E.s.  This is a fraction of the most important things a person can learn in this life.  Many other mysteries are linked to the things described on this page.  I also made this page so that it could be printed with ease so please feel free to print it and keep a copy and give one to your friends if you like.  Please see the new copyright notice at the bottom of the page.

Please remember the knowledge contained on this page is not accepted by some religions and some of the information was not acquired through the channels or by methods normally understood by those who are of religious backgrounds.  The knowledge and understanding here came to me through combined experiences and messages from the Lord of Light who is our Creator, meaning it is all inspired works.  Some of the knowledge here can be referenced and verified in the Bible and some of it can be referenced in other books in incomplete form but the text here explains some things those texts do not explain.  Those texts may tell you what happened and a basic why (for our salvation) but do not tell the exact reason for or how such things were accomplished and this text does to some extent.

The Different Voices of God

Right now this is a segment being added and edited for content so it will be changing now and then until this sentence is removed from it.  There is a new GIF animation at the top of "God'svoice2" and you can read about it and see the animation by clicking on the link.

The Bible says God has a voice.  God said He has a voice and can speak to certain people who He chooses.  The book of Jeremiah chapter 23 tells how upset God is with those people who claim to be His Prophets yet they lead the people astray because they do not listen to or heed His voice.  He says because of this a terrible storm will come upon the earth and upon the people who do not listen and heed God's voice.  Numerous times throughout the scripture God's voice and "Living Word" are mentioned.  There is no room to doubt that God can speak in words that can be quoted.  Jeremiah 23:28 says. "Let the prophet who has a dream tell the dream, but let him who has my word speak my word faithfully."  He said this because he wanted everyone to know his words can be quoted word for word.  Speaking that word faithfully means just that, quoting it word for word.

Before the Holy Spirit came to us, prophets of God and written text were just about all the people had to trust in.  Now and then an occasional angel would appear to someone to deliver a message from God to someone but most of the time He sent His prophets.  After Pentecost however the Holy Spirit descended upon a group of people and God began speaking to a lot of people on a personal bases.  Jesus was no longer limited to being in one location and God could expand His message and ability to shepherd individuals or large groups of people anywhere on earth.  He didn't require a preacher, pastor or human teacher to be able to do this with anymore because thanks to the Holy Spirit He had become a very real part of His people's lives.

I hear it said now and then "God just doesn't speak to people anymore like he did to the Prophets of old."  You have heard the saying "God works in mysterious ways?"  Well He always has.  It's one of His ways of getting things around those people who are to smart for their own good.  It seems right when we think we know what God wants of us, God does something literally around us and sometimes despite us.  If God can speak through the mouth of Balam's donkey believe me God can speak to people and get his message to them even if He has to go around us or your pastors to do it.

When people like to preach and teach that God doesn't talk to people anymore that's most likely because He isn't talking to them for some reason.  God wants to talk to everyone, His people especially but when God doesn't talk to them the most likely reason is because they are refusing to listen to Him.  Jesus came not only for our salvation but to give us the Holy Spirit which is our intercessor to God the Father.  It is part of the very spirit of Jesus Christ and when it resides inside of us then the Father can hear our spiritual voice.  He can hear us and if we listen He will speak back to us telling us what we need to know.  God has a great big voice that he can use to speak with anyone and he has a lot of other voices some loud and clear and some you must be very still and listen for.  So if the Holy Spirit resides with us more and more people should be saying that God speaks to them all the time.  Someone who says God doesn't speak to people anymore either do not have the Holy Spirit in them at all or they have it bound up so they are unable to use it effectively.  Either way they need to take it to the alter of God and began praying and repenting until God does answer them leaving no doubt in their minds.

God spoke to Saul until Saul refused to obey a command to put the witches to death in that land then God stopped speaking to him.  He could not hear from God in voice or in dreams and in his frustration he went to see the most famous witch of all, the Witch of Endor in order to gain answers concerning a battle that raged between Israel and another nation.  Maybe you never heard God's voices, maybe you have but don't hear them anymore.  Get on your knees and offer up your ego on the alter and beg God that He will show you where you went wrong.  If you can still pray you can fix the problem.  Once you hear the big voices of God you will never again mistake the voices of religion as being the voices of God, and if you do it's your own fault because you know God has a voice and will speak to you clearly word for word that can be quoted.

People sometimes come to me telling them that God told them to come and straighten me out on a few things.  They are certain God told them to do this and while it is true if someone finds this page God certainly did lead them to find it for one reason or another but it may not be for the reasons they personally believe.  They might hate what they find here and then pass the URL along to a friend or preacher, teacher, pastor, priest and end up doing something God wants them to do not because of them but despite them.  They may not want anything that's written here but someone else they tell in their frustration with me may very well have been praying to God for what's on this webpage.  Yes and even devout priests who wouldn't likely tell you will come find God's wisdom here on these pages.

One of the most important things a person needs to understand is that God wants and needs to have a personal communications established with His children. When a person "Walks with God" in this life it simply means they have not only established two way communications with the God the Father through Christ's Holy Spirit it means they actually consider God a part of their every day life and their closest friend.  They speak to Him and He answers them and they are never alone.  Sometimes He answers them right away and sometimes He answers later.  Sometimes He speaks with a loud voice that you can't mistake and sometimes He speaks in different voices and in order to hear, recognize and understand those voices a person needs to be still and listen.

There are churches in the world today who do not want you to know that God can and will actually speak to you.  They lie about it telling you that God only speaks to people through the written word and through their religious leaders.  What they do not want you to know is that Jesus not only established the Holy Spirit for your salvation He established it so you could not only talk with God you can hear Him speaking back to you giving you specific instructions for you in your every day life.  Now you should read the page attached to this link then return and continue from here.

I had been busy, I had been editing video and working on a book but God caused a man to send me a message to get my attention.  Usually when someone finds my webpages about spiritual things it's because God sent them and it's usually because God wants them to wake up and listen to something He is trying to communicate with them about.  Usually they are not listening if they were they wouldn't find themselves coming to my webpages.  Once in awhile though He sends people to me not to teach me or tell me anything but just to get my attention so He can speak with me about me doing His business here.  He wanted me to write this segment about how he can and does carry on two way conversations with people.  The way he did that was to have a man repeat something I have heard from other people who had not ever heard God speak to them and as such believed the old religious lie that the written or "Inspired Word of God" is the same thing as the "Living Word of God" and it isn't.  The reason they believe that lie is because they have never personally heard God speak to them.

In order to try to avoid misconceptions right from the start a person needs to understand what the real voices of God are and what they are about. 

They say the closer you get to God the better you can hear him, and yes that's absolutely true.  There's a catch though, those who have never heard the real "loud" voice of the real Living Word of God mistake the voice of religion as the voice of God and they tend to say the Living Word is the written word, and they do not know how wrong they are.  Likewise those who have not heard the really "loud" voice of the Living Word of God usually don't correctly understand or recognize the soft still voices of God at all.

Woke up this morning around 4am with the Holy Spirit pestering me about me not making something more clear on this webpage.  It's about one of the greatest misconceptions ever to exist in the understanding of spiritual things.  Not many days ago a person sent me a message telling me basically the "Living Word of God" is the scriptures themselves.  It's nothing new to me, I have heard their argument many times from more people than I can even count over about 35-40 years.  The spirits of religion speak to them telling them these things and they don't realize they are further from the truth than they could ever imagine.  This is the voice they hear and it is the voice they follow but it is not God's voice.  This is why God said "My children know my voice and will not follow another."  God said that because there are other voices that speak to people and the voice of religion is plentiful, multitudes of people hear it and follow after it.  They say they were sent by God when God didn't tell them anything but the voice of religion did.  But if a person ever hears the Real voice of God one time they know the difference between the voice of God and the other voices, they will not following any other voices from that moment on because God has shown them the difference.

They say "Well God doesn't actually speak to you answering and saying certain things like someone talking to you does he?  Yes He actually does and that's not a joke.  Read Number 12:6 and see if God wasn't speaking and giving a very specific message.  He said when a prophet is among the people I, God will make Himself known to them in a vision and then speak with them in dreams.  He was actually speaking with a voice while He was saying this.  A vision is not a dream, and God can and will speak in a vision clearly, boldly and His first contact with a person can be down right frightening, mine was.  What about that Living Word of God?  He said there in the book of Numbers chapter 12 that with Moses He speaks face to face and clearly but with most of His prophets the usual language is in dreams which is a dark symbolic speech.  Aaron and Merriam got in trouble over it because they were speaking badly about Moses and they said "Doesn't God speak to us as well?" etc as if they were as good as Moses.  God heard them and gave them a real scolding as He appeared in the doorway to their tent in a cloud and actually did speak to them in words that were very clear and they could understand and see just how real God can be and can and will speak to someone if He has some reason to.  But because they had never heard this voice of the Living God before they thought they were on equal bases with God as Moses and God explained to them they were wrong.

So people write me or speak to me and because they have never actually heard the real Living Word of God speak to them they believe they have some unique understanding of the Word of God that I don't have.  ;-)  And I tell them if they had the experiences I have had then they would understand and it would be them answering these questions to someone else just as I do so frequently.  So they read the Bible through once and they are instantly transformed into a scholar.  I say if you love God, you have faith in God, you read where God spoke to people in the Bible then have faith that He has a voice, pray to him and demand Him to answer you and don't stop until He does answer you.  I have done it, it worked for me and it will work for you to.  Knock until He opens His mouth and speaks to you.  Knock until He answers the door, what do you have to loose except your lack of understanding.  What do you have to gain?  A brand new relationship with God.  Just how much you are willing to put on that alter before God will have some effect on your personal results.  The harder you cling to personal things and physical possessions and even your religion based on man's concepts of God will affect your results.  If you are willing to put everything on the alter before God and offer it up to Him trusting in Him to show you the way He will restore to you the things you need that will be of far greater value than the things you give up for Him.  When God speaks to you so you can hear Him clearly then you will pass from having faith that God exists into the knowing for a fact that God exists and your life will change dramatically.

When the prophets wrote "And the Word of God spoke saying.." etc.  That's exactly what they were saying.  They were saying they heard God speaking to them and it wasn't from some scripture they had read.  Scriptures deal with general things but the Living Word of God deals in the here and now and delivers personal messages for specific reasons.  This voice they speak of is the Real Living Word of God and not some written text.  The moment someone refers to the written word as the Living Word a person who has heard the Living Word for real knows in instantly that person has only heard the words of religion telling them the lie that the written word is the living word.  Then they know why God said "My sheep recognize my voice and they will not follow another."  Because His sheep know there are others that will speak in the name of God to people and mislead them. 

That was even before Jesus came to produce the Holy Spirit for us and yes that changes things even more.  The Holy Spirit was given to us for our salvation but it was also given for us as a spiritual translator between us and God the Father.  This is why our Creator was born in the flesh then died on the cross for our sins, went into the Underworld to set the captives free then return.  This is why His spiritual body was broken so that His own spirit could come into each of His Children and abide with them.  This allows His children not only to pray to the Father but also to receive and hear the Father speaking back to us.  If people who have the Holy Spirit refuse to listen then the only advantage they received from the Holy Spirit is their salvation.  You know what God says to me about that right now?  He just said "I speak to them but they can not hear me because their spirits are bound."  What better way to know you have received your salvation than to be able to actually hear God speaking back to you?  People are running around all over the earth thinking they are saved when they only have a spirit of religion speaking to them and not the real Holy Spirit of God.  If you don't believe this then why did He say "My sheep hear my voice and they will not follow another?"

The religious minded come at me and actually have to ask me, "how do you know it was God's voice you heard?And I say "Read that line again.  Didn't God just say "My sheep hear my voice and will not follow another?Did he say that?  Do you believe He lied about it?  Do you honestly think God could speak to someone and them not recognize His voice?  Anyone who has to ask the question "How do you know it was God's voice" is someone who has never heard God's voice in their life.  Once you Hear God's voice you will recognize it and will never forget it.  This really grinds the spirits of religion that abide with the religious minded who have their churches they feel compelled to sell.  They tell people to pray to Mary and have Mary or the saints pray for them.  Why?  Because they have never heard the voice of the real "Living Word of God," if they had they would sing a different song, a new song and God would hear them and God would answer them and they would hear His voice and rejoice and be thankful to know for a fact they are counted among His flock.

There's a lot of places in the written word that gives accounts of the Living Word of God speaking to people and one day when I get time I may list some of them here.  Anyone who has read much of the Bible will remember reading some of those things.  When the Apostle John wrote in the book of John how in the beginning the Word was with God, the Word was God and the Word was made flesh and dwelled among men and they called him Jesus that's exactly what John was referring to.  Anyone who has actually heard the Living Word speak to them need no imagination as to what John was talking about.  Anyone who has not experienced the real Living Word of God can only wonder and guess and listen to those who tell them one thing or another.  The problem in that is that if someone "thinks" they have a calling and they have never heard the real Voice of God they are most inclined to believe the person who tells them the Living Word of God is the scriptures and there in they go astray.  At the same time they tend to believe anyone who actually says God spoke to them telling them something specific on a personal level must be crazy.  And this is the reason those who have not heard the real Voice of God or Living Word like to persecute those who have.

God has more than one voice and all of them are unique but similar in a certain way.  It takes no humility but makes one very humble when God speaks in one of His Loud voices and out of the thunder.  The only thing a person can hear is the voice of the Living Word when that happens.  When a person receives a real calling there's no doubting that calling, they won't even wonder if they imagined it, they won't wonder if they heard it, they will know it is real because they will have heard God actually verbally speaking to them. 

The other guiding voices of God every bit as important but are more subtle and most require a person to be very still and listen close.  This requires a person to be humble and observant.  The more noise and static a person has in their mind and in their life the harder it is to hear these voices of God.

Visions and Dreams

I'm redesigning this page at this time.  The page became so long that it didn't load or edit correctly.  Please use the link above to read this segment about visions and dreams.  Eventually I hope to completely redesign the site and have it in it's own folder where it belongs.

What is the Right Church or Religion?

Same as above.

Reincarnation Fact or Fiction

If it wasn't serious business I wouldn't waste my time writing about it.  Believing in the concepts of reincarnation in this life will not help you in this life or in the next life.  Being told that if you don't get it right this time that you can come back and do it again will not help you in this life or in the next life.  It will only serve to distract you from what really is important in this life.

Now think about this.  If the concept of reincarnation is true then whether or not you believe in it doesn't make any difference because if you don't get it right the first time or the second it won't make any difference because you will get to come back and try again just the same.  If however the concept of reincarnation is not true or valid believing in it would be a very HUGE mistake.  It could prevent you from reaching the lofty places where the greater spirits dwell.  It could land you in a very unpleasant place for all eternity.  If you teach the concepts of reincarnation to others and it is wrong then you will also be held accountable for everyone you mislead during your life.

Just because there were people thousands of years ago who believed in the concept of reincarnation doesn't make it so and does not make it to be of God.  Remember there were thousands of people who had all kinds of incorrect beliefs that caused God to destroy the world first by a flood and then Sodom and Gomorrah by fire and brimstone from the sky.  There are people to this day who believe and practice the same exact concepts proving that while God may have wiped out the people of that day who believe in such perversions the spirits of those perversions never died.

There are religions that teach their people the concept of doing things over and over again in order to experience different things moves them into a higher spiritual consciousness.  What they are doing is a trick of the devil to deceive them and prevent them from attaining the one and only spiritual Glory that can lift them into the Light of the one true Lord of Light.  Spiritual glory is not something you can attain by any efforts of your own.  It is not something you can achieve by being born in a physical body over and over again.  People do not put on their glory and take it off like a piece of clothing.  If you have any doubts just ask a fallen angel.  Ask the Gregori and the Watchers who took to wife the daughters of humans  what happened when they took off their glory.  Ask Enoch who the Gregori begged that he should pray to God for them.  What does the concept and teachings of reincarnation get you or anyone else?  It makes you focus on being earth bound rather than heaven bound and it was not ordained by God or the Lord of Light.  It was not taught by Jesus either.  How is becoming a cow in the next life better than being a human in this life?  It's not, it is a huge jump down the ladder and a concept not created by the one true God but by the devil himself in an effort to deceive people and prevent them from attaining the glory that God holds for them.

The concept of reincarnation and things found or not found in the Bible: Once in awhile someone will read something into something I have said that I didn't intend for them to.  Like my Nebula that I wrote which is a musing and not even intended to be a spiritual teaching..  To some it sounds like I'm endorsing the concept of reincarnation, but I am not.  I was describing existence before incarnation, then incarnation and the being tested as if by fire and then the return to the spirit world and to the Creator.  I have had people who wish to believe in the concept of reincarnation come at me from all sides and many of them who say they believe in the Bible and some who call themselves reverends.  I ask them to show me even one place in the Bible or in the Lost Books of the Bible where reincarnation was supported.  They can show me where it was mentioned then denied but can't show me one place where the concept of reincarnation was supported.  The only place they can even find that mentions it was when John the baptizer was confronted and asked if he was the reincarnation of Elijah.  He said "No, I am not." Besides that Elijah didn't die, he was taken to heaven by the angels of God.  Their next argument to support the concept is to say the Bible is filled with contradictions anyway so they will believe in what ever the so called evidence points toward.  When someone builds their beliefs upon this way of thinking they are building upon the sand.  The moment they say the Bible is filled with contradictions you know right away they have a shaky understanding of spiritual things and the things the Bible speaks of.  I don't care if some angel told you that reincarnation is a fact, angels have been known to lie.  God does not lie and tells me to tell you to test everything and to stay away from those who teach the concepts of reincarnation.

The Elevated Spiritual Consciousness

Those who are saved have a special spirit that is not of human origin and that is only to their advantage if they actually put it to use.  The Holy Spirit  lifts that person's soul into the light of the Father. They never again have the need or desire to reincarnate because once you achieve union with the Father all things are possible for them, all knowledge and experiences contained in the Father's Cosmic Mind belongs to them.  Then they work with the Creator, they judge the angels and they can not serve another purpose by falling from grace again and becoming reincarnated.  If you were able to see what the spirits are, what they do, what they consist of and how they work you would understand why the Bible speaks of them saying, "And they that be wise shall shine as the brightness of the firmament; and they that turn many to righteousness as the stars for ever and ever." (Daniel 12:3)  No they do not give up the brilliance of the spirit of Christ to return to a mortal body so they can learn some other miserable experience here in the mortal flesh.  Would you like to know what happens to those who give up that spirit of Christ ?  They are called the fallen ones and they are never again forgiven and never again come into a state of grace where they can be forgiven.  Even the angels who fell from heaven will never again be restored to their former state after once having that spirit and loosing it.  Do you know what the "second death" is ?  It is complete separation from the Father and from the Light and spirit of Christ, there is no coming back not even to the flesh from that spiritual state.

I challenged every one of them who wanted to argue with me about the concept of reincarnation to show me a scripture that supported it and not one, no not one ever could do that.  The person who said I had to read another book in order to learn the truth never answered my message asking if they were trying to say that I couldn't find the truth in the Bible.  I never said there wasn't such a thing as ghosts who still walk the earth.  I know spirits fly every direction and come and go from the underworld. Not all ghosts of the dead who were not saved are being held in the flaming pit, I have seen them walking around, and sometimes flying.  If spirits are able to merge with and use a living human being as a host then who's to say that what they call a "walk-in" doesn't sometimes happen.  If you want to call that a reincarnation then go ahead but it wasn't something that was intended by nature or by God to happen and it's not something you want to bet your immortal soul on.  Get it right the first time people, don't make the same mistakes that others have made.  To those who say they have memories of past lives, remember this, human memories are very flawed and misleading, don't bet your immortal soul on memories, they will let you down.  I can almost hear God saying "Oh, did I save you?  I forgot!  Sorry!"  Because if He had your spirit would be glowing like His own and He wouldn't have to remember if you were saved or not. 

Concerning those who use hypnosis to extract past life experiences, just don't do it.  Hypnosis causes the mind to tune across a wide range of spiritual frequencies more often than not creating false memories.  Even those that are correct are more than likely from someone else's past life and not their own.  I have worked with UFO research for many years and I am well aware what happens when they regress someone to tell of a UFO or alien abduction experience.  People who have had no previous experience of that kind come away believing they have been abducted by aliens when they had not been.  It can destroy a person's life faster than it can help them.  Be careful what you think you remember.  Be careful what you base your beliefs upon.  If they are not the truth they can cost you and those who you care about their immortal souls.  If you can't prove it based on the Bible don't teach it.  It is better not to have done this thing than to have mislead someone else. 

My First Out of Body Experience

At the time of my first O.B.E. I was quite alone except for those angels which I usually didn’t see except in my night visions and then when I went OBE for the first time.  You do know that your questions are questions a lot of people ask but usually get no real true answer for.  To answer your question in whole is no small task and over all will take some time before you are able to understand it.  However that is your objective and goal in life is to understand these things.  Things even the preachers are generally unable to do even in their churches made of fine brick and stone.  In order to understand these things you need to understand who God is who Jesus/Joshua is, who we are and why we are here and where we are going after this life.  So there are several important parts of the puzzle that must be explained.

The Shadow of Death

My first OBE I knew that “something” dark and awful was after me and I saw it when it came over me black like molasses and when it came over me I couldn’t move and yes I was frightened out of my wits.  I prayed this thing off of me twice in the name of Jesus but it returned each time and the third time I put my faith in Jesus and said, “Ok Lord this is in your hands do what ever you want with me.”  That’s when it came over me and took me out of my body.  (Short version) I sat up and turned around and saw myself laying there as if I were dead.  My legs still in my body were cold.  I looked at the wall and said, "Now what Lord?" and the wall vanished.  I saw darkness all around me and two very tall cloaked beings one at each side of me.  These were death angels, or angels that escort people who are saved, to the City of Light.  Then I saw a light ahead of me and it came near.  I saw it was a huge city of light.  I saw a head appear over the right hand side of the city and this was that of an old man, the one they call the ancient of days.  Then he vanished and over the left side of the city appeared a younger man's face.  This man wore a simple gold crown that had 12 points on it.  I counted these 3 times and he smiled at me and I knew this was the face of Jesus/Joshua who in life was the incarnated Lord of Light.  Then I found myself back in my body and being pulled back into my body.  I had a flash light in my right hand and I tried twice to turn it on but it did not come on.  The third time I tried it did come on and I was able then to set upright and contemplate what I had experienced.

Psychologists call being unable to move sleep paralysis and they think they have some kind of understanding for these things but they have not seen the things I have seen nor have they experienced them.  They are only partly right in their understanding of these things.  Does it make sense that if there is such a thing as the shadow of death that when it overcomes someone that they would be paralyzed ?  Certainly it does because of what it does.  Could the prophet of God have spoken of the valley of the shadow of death had he not experienced it for himself ?  Not everyone who has been in contact with the shadow of death has died from it because we know that our Lord holds the keys to that spirit and will make it do exactly what He wants it to do.  (The shadow of death is a long story all by itself.)  Ask yourself what have you learned from your experience ? Have you learned without a doubt that a person is made up of both physical body and also spirit ?  That it is possible for a spirit to leave the body and then return ?  If God has allowed you to experience this He knows who you are and no doubt has a purpose for you.  Keep this in mind.

I have had people tell me that if I would write a limited life's experiences book that it would help a lot of people on their way in life.  We live our lives, raise our children, work at our jobs and die.  People must wonder isn't there more of a reason and purpose to life than this ?  If there is such a thing as an all powerful God certainly he created us for more than just his morbid entertainment.  Would an all knowing and all powerful God also have a magnificent purpose for his creations ?  Certainly I know that he does but I didn't always know the things I know now and most people are still searching for the answers. 

I have counseled all kinds of people over the years, Christians, Catholics, agnostics, pagans, wiccans/witches, Satanists and even UFO/alien cult members.  I have heard and dealt with just about every concept conceived by humans as to what the truth might actually be and some of them are willing and ready to fight to the death over things they have no real evidence, experience or knowledge to prove. 


More can be said about the Catholic religion/denomination than any other Christian religion simply because it contains the embodiment of the faults of many other individual Christian denominations.  Click on the link above to go to the "What is the Right Church" page and read about it.

Be Careful What You Pray For!

A man said he would pray for me because he knew that I was so very wrong in some of the things I have said and written on certain web pages.  I can use all the positive prayer and guidance I can get believe me but be very careful what you pray for.  Instead of praying that God will show him the truth about what I have said that he doesn't want to agree with this man is praying that I will come to my senses and realize the Catholic Church is The One True Church of God.  It would be better to pray that God will have His Own Will and the truth will be made evident to who ever we pray for but first we should pray that God will lead us to find and to understand the truth.  Even when I prayed for the witch I did not pray to God that she would see that Christianity is the way to the light but I prayed to God that he would show her the true nature of the spirits she worships and deals with in her religion.  A week or two later He did in fact show her and she came to me telling me she had a terrible nightmare and in the nightmare she was tied to a hospital gurney while six or seven hideous demonic beings took turns raping her.  She wanted me to tell her what her dream was saying.  I realized it was the answer to my prayer and I told her what she saw was not a dream it was a night vision and the beings she saw are the beings she worships in her religion.  She went stomping away in a furious anger at me for saying such a thing.  She did not want to know or to accept the truth but she wanted to find evidence that what she believes in is right even though it is not true or right.


The Mormon Church

While I'm walking on toes here I would hate to miss someone.  God has shown me some powerful frightening things about the Mormon church and I'll describe some of the things He has shown me in my personal experiences pages when I get around to it.  Right now what God directs me to say about the Mormon church is that if you can't get there with just the Bible then you will only be more confused by adding the Book of Mormon to your spiritual references.  This was all the devil's doing to give people something else to confuse them about spiritual things.  There are people who go to Christian churches who walk away realizing something they are looking for is not there.  This usually happens when people go to churches looking for God and can't find Him there, so they go looking somewhere else.  Then the devil provided the Book of Mormon to them and presents yet another new off line religion in order to ensnare them literally in the name of God.  It's actually frightening how well the devil's plans work.  God showed me the leaders of the Mormon church walk over a tombstone with the name of the Mormon church carved into stone when they go to their secret meetings.  Don't laugh, I'm telling you just exactly what God showed me and being carved into stone by God means the leaders of the Mormon church are every bit as cursed by God as the high leaders of the Catholic church are.


I am working on a webpage/site that will explain a lot of these things and answer a lot of questions for people.  The only reason I have not done it so far is because some of those groups and some of those people go from one website to another looking for anyone who has a different view so they can start an argument.  Usually God warns me in dreams about them just before they show their faces and I can tell them my dream and how I knew to expect them and what to say to them and they generally will go their way and leave me alone.  

The Very First and Only Church On Earth that Jesus Himself Established

When Jesus ascended into Heaven for the last time His spiritual body was divided "broken" and when the Holy Spirit descended upon the members who were the believers waiting in the locked upper room that day the Holy Spirit appeared visibly descending like doves and appearing like tongues of fire.  These were the first to receive this precious gift from Christ and how they came to receive it is symbolic and important yet to this day.  The fact they were hiding behind locked doors in an upper room is very important.  Jesus still has certain people who He holds as being special and in secret in His One True Church and most of them will not even be recognized by the religious community as being Christians.  These include certain prophets that God speaks to and sends out to communicate with certain people when they fail to listen to what God is trying to tell them.  Sometimes they are thrown out of the churches and have their lives threatened but the day will come when Jesus Himself will witness for them and say "These are My Prophets who I sent to you and you beat them, you threatened their lives, had them ridiculed and thrown from your churches and I know what you have done." 

The Real Name of God  "I AM"

For those who like to argue about the real name of God, God really has no specific name but the terms that describe Him become names.  Truth about that goes further because in the spirit world spirits don't really have names (like a human would give them) they are named according to their design and purpose in creation.  Satan therefore means "accuser" and that's only one aspect of the "devil" also called "the great old dragon" who is the fallen angel Lucifer.    Jesus (Greek name) Joshua (Hebrew name) is just exactly who he said he was.  They threw him out of the churches and it was the religious leaders who conspired to have him put to death even in God's own name.  It was at the hands of the Roman's who were in a certain respect enemies of the Jews that Jesus was put to death.  I have been kicked out of 4 churches myself and had a devout Southern Baptist threaten my life and said that she could kill me and she knew that God would forgive her.  I bet you would find that entire story very interesting.  The churches are full of people who think they are saved when they are not.  Why ?  Because their church elders and leaders also think themselves saved when they are not.  They have accepted a spirit of religion from the devil instead of the Holy Spirit from the Lord of Light and they don’t know their error in order to correct it.  A person who believes themselves to be saved and thinks they have the Holy Spirit when they do not will not seek help for their condition, as such there is little hope for them.  If you are able to see and have direct spiritual knowledge or the gift of spiritual sight and know about certain people who think they are saved when they are not then tell them the truth and see if they don’t try to stone you. 

Is there a Pit of Fire that exists in the Underworld but is not Hell?

Yes that fiery pit does exist, some have seen it in the spirit as I have and some have been in it and returned to life again to tell their story.  The message is this "you don't want to end up there."  The woman who threatened my life as I just described.  Her daughter went to a Baptist college after that event and was out drinking with a boy she met there.  He ran off the road and the car rolled over breaking her neck and killed her.  One night in a powerful night vision I found myself at a small old house at the side of a huge smoldering pit.  In fact the night was lit by the pit itself and everything had a red glow to it.  Then I, realizing I was in the spirit, turned around to see what I might learn about this place and there before me stood this young women naked.  She had wounds all over her as if she had been beaten and she had no breasts.  She walked from the pit up to me and as she came close I recognized her and called her by name.  I said, “What are you doing here in this place?”  And she answered me saying, “I just wanted to tell you that you were right and we were wrong, I wanted you to know that.”  Then she turned around and walked back to the pit.

A lot of things that God does for us, like showing me this, have two meanings.  He wanted me to know where she was and why.  He wanted me to have this experience so that I would understand and also be able to tell others what I had seen in the spirit. 

When People Pray in the name of Jesus and get no Response!

There are a few things in the Bible that throw people off the track and one of them is the saying, "Ask anything of my Father in my name and it shall be done for you."  People are asking the Father all the time in the name of Jesus and what they ask for just usually doesn't happen, so you must ask yourself WHY ?  If this is not true and Jesus said it then what signal does that send to us ?  We know that some people like Elijah certainly could ask for certain things and get them including raining fire down from heaven on his enemies.  "If you have the faith of the grain of a mustard seed you may say unto this mountain be lifted up and cast into the sea and it will be done for you by my Father who is in Heaven."  Try it ..  And you will come to believe that you don't have the faith the size of a grain of a mustard seed.  ;-)  The problem is people do not understand the spiritual significance of what Jesus was saying when He said "Ask of the Father in My Name.."  Jesus's name isn't just saying "Jesus's name" or "Joshua" in the Hebrew language.  It is however the translation of your prayer to the Father through the Holy Spirit that is in essence Jesus's real spiritual signature inside of a person who has the Holy Spirit.  Without it the Father can not hear you at all.  With it the Father can hear you all the time any time day or night praying or not praying.  This was given as the symbol of the priests who would keep the incense burning all the time in the temple. 

Did anyone on earth have greater faith than that of John the baptizer who would lay down his life for his Lord ?  Even Jesus said, On earth none are greater than John, (he also continued “but the least in the kingdom of heaven is greater than he”). How many miracles do we read of that John performed ? I can't recall one can you ?  But some of Jesus followers performed great miracles.  Even small miracles are wondrous to behold and the real keys to that and all miracles, signs, and wonders are the real name of Jesus and “if it is the Father’s will.”  Because of the things I have just mentioned there are entire denominations who have proclaimed that God just doesn’t do miracles anymore and so they deny the power of the Holy Spirit to perform these wonderful gifts for them.  When they do this they bind that wonderful spirit so that it can’t do what it was intended to do for us.  I know because I was also raised in the Christian church and having the Holy Spirit bound so that it could not perform its duties. In the Bible we also read that we should not align ourselves with churches who deny the power of the Holy Spirit of God. 

People ask me about why Jesus spoke so often in parables and there is a multiple meaning for why he did this.  We must remember that we are physical beings in a physical world and the things we describe to each other we use words that were not designed to describe spiritual things.  Therefore in some cases if we get a description of something in the spiritual world also known as the Kingdom of God we must use stories like parables that Jesus used.  He would say things like, “The Kingdom of Heaven is like this or that.” The other reason he spoke in parables was to prevent certain types of people from understanding exactly what he was talking about.  Like the man who asked the woman thief why she didn’t tell the man that she was a member of a secret society and she said, “What’s the point in being a member of a secret society if you are going to tell everyone?”  Jesus spoke of the “secrets of the Kingdom of Heaven” and there’s more than one reason why these things are secrets.  The thing we want to keep in mind is that Jesus came to tell his friends about those secrets so that we would know and come to understand these things.  He didn’t come to save the world and said the “world does not know him.”  He came to save his friends so they could join him in heaven when their time on earth was finished. 

The Keys to the Kingdom of Heaven,

what it is and what it does and how it was created. 

We ask if we pray in the name of Jesus and nothing happens then what's wrong, is it in our lack of understanding of "his name."  Yes and that's the answer to that question but don't believe that mountain he was talking about was in fact a real physical mountain because there are mountains in our lives and there are spiritual mountains as such and Jesus frequently spoke in symbolic terms just as our dreams speak to us.  Jesus himself did the will of His Father and His Father is the source of all power and life throughout all of creation.  Jesus is that part of the Father that makes things happen.  He is able to focus that power to do the will of the Father.  He is the mouth, the word, the eyes, ears and hands of the Father.  John the apostle wrote about him in descriptive terms in the book of John.  He said, "In the beginning the Word was with God, the Word was God and the Word was made flesh and dwelled among men and we called his name Jesus."  (My own translation but you should read it for yourself.)  He said this Living Word was the Creator who made all things and he is exactly correct in that statement. 

Before Christ (also a descriptive term for what the Lord of Light did as he became flesh and died on the cross for us) died on the cross and did what he did at that time in order to create the Holy Spirit or Holy Ghost nearly all spirits of the dead were kept right here on the earth and most of them dwelling in the underworld.  When Jesus died on the cross he went into the underworld and got his friends and bought them back with him and took them to a place he called by two names, Paradise and Abraham’s bosom.


Sin, the Books, and the Book of Life


Preachers preach that Jesus died on the cross for our sins and they don’t even understand what all happened during that event or even what “sin” is for the most part. 

They will say “we are born into sin” and they are right and then they get confused and point at all kinds of “acts” as being “sin” but sin in general is a condition of being separated from the Lord of Light and the Father Spirit.  Yes people who live in sin are doing things they shouldn’t be doing and as such by their fruits they are known.  Sin is a condition where the Father also fails to recognize His Creation.  This is described in part even in the Bible where it is written that there are the “books” and there is the “Book of Life.”  Everyone has a “book” which is a spiritual account of everything a person has done and experienced in their lives.  The “Book of Life” is the record of all those who have been returned to favorable status with the Father who are once again recognized by the Father as being His Children (His creations).  And God then takes the books who belong to those written in the Book of Life and puts them in another place.  They are not kept among the books that belong to those who are not saved.  We are those books, a living record and God can read us like a book.  Things we have done or experienced in our lives that are long forgotten by us are there for Him to read as clearly as if it happened only a moment ago.

I will use an example from the Bible where Jesus spoke of Lazarus and the Rich Man.  He said there was a poor beggar named Lazarus (who he named) who begged from the “Rich Man” who he did not name.  You may read the story for more information but my message to you here is that He knew who the poor beggar was but did not know the name of the Rich Man because he was not recognized by the Father.  Another example was given when He would say, “I am the God who calls you by your name.”  This wasn’t just a play on words but was a message for those who were able to understand it.  For those who can see let them perceive and for those who can hear let them understand what the spirit says to them.  For if the God of Heaven calls you by your name it means that your name is written in that Book of Life.  (Believe me when the Living Word calls you by your name you will know it is the voice of God and you will hear it as if someone were standing there speaking to you.  In fact no other voice or sound will be noticed at the moment that He speaks to you.)

Concerning sin and the act of doing something you shouldn't do and how that act is considered a sin and how you may very well pay for it in that respect.  Yes, if God specifically has instructed you concerning certain things and you disobey your agreement with God then that act can be considered a sin and you may very well pay a price in this life for that act.  It puts distance between you and God and allows the devil to come near you and literally make you pay, some pay a very high price for their indiscretions or "acts of sin."  Don't take it for granted, having an affair with the neighbor's husband or wife can be very expensive even if you don't get caught by the human authorities.  Look what happened to King David for having a fling with Bathsheba.  His son by her nearly cost him his life and his kingdom.


Fixing the Spiritual Condition so that we can once again be recognized by our Father.


Put yourself in the Lord of Light’s position and ask yourself if you were God what would or could you do to save your friends who are in spirit and separated from you ?  They are in a dark place in a spiritual condition that prevents them from passing over into the place of Light where you dwell.  The Father himself is higher above the Son and only the Son has direct access to the created world and the Father at the same time. 

Before you could do anything at all you would have to understand what spirits are and what conditions apply to those spirits in need.  You must understand the problem you are dealing with and trying to correct and you must also understand the end results that you wish to achieve. 

Lord of Light and creator understands all things because He made all things using the power of His Father who is the Great Spirit of all of creation and life force of all things.  He made human kind and placed a tiny bit of his Father in Adam and Eve and this is the breath of Life which he breathed into Adam that was carried into Eve upon her creation.  She was made from his “rib” so we are told and a part of his own spirit which is unique to human kind went into her to give her life on the same spiritual frequency as that of Adam. 

Now you must understand that the human spirit is very unique and special and this is why the creator did things the way he did them. 

Then Eve, being deceived by the serpent which was an animal that was under the control of the devil and could speak and lived in that tree of the knowledge of good and evil, changed those original conditions that existed in Adam and Eve.  Their spiritual frequencies were no longer on that high plane and were no longer able to communicate with their creator on the same levels they had once enjoyed.  God literally had to come down to their level in order to communicate with them.  In this act Adam and Eve fell into a condition of being separated from their creator who is the Lord of Light.  Now this condition is described using the word and term “sin.”  It was more than just the fact they disobeyed what God had told them, they were changed beings now and God couldn’t allow them to remain in the Garden of Eden so he kicked them out. 

In the physical world things went wrong more often than they went right for Adam, Eve and their descendents.  The fallen angels and unclean spirits were all over the world and we know the devil hated them to make things worse and he and most of his kind had the run of the planet.  By the time of Noah other beings who have been described by several names came to earth and took to wife the daughters of men, had children by them, and the entire earth was evil, except for Noah and his family.  God was in such a state of depression over seeing how things worked out that he would have wiped out the entire earth in that flood and destroyed all the humans he had made if it had not been for Noah and his family.   There is great controversy over these events one being that they said that Noah was of the direct blood line from Adam and Eve but wasn’t every human on the earth at that time direct descendents of Adam and Eve ?  Remembering how important it was that human spirits be from the same “vine” so to speak then what went wrong ?  There couldn’t have been more than one human spiritual blood line right ?  Yet we hear from some there were many races on the earth and that Adam and Eve were only the beginning of one of those races of beings right ? 

Yes there is another way and another answer and that being just as the book describes in Genesis that the “son’s of God”, “watchers” also called the Nephlim and in other accounts called “The Gregori” and by other names in other accounts of the events came to the earth and upon a mountain called Enon took to wife the daughters of human kind and had children by them.  The story has been told by different people but the end result is always the same.  Some beings came to earth who were not from the earth and they mated with human women and had children by them. 

The spirits of humans were now mixed with the spirits of immortals who many call “alien beings” and some call “angels.”  Some of these descendents were giants and I do mean “giants” in a “big way.”  These spirits were incompatible with the Lord of Light’s own spirit and there was no way for what we might call the spirit of “good” to exist in them.  Evil was all they could produce in their life time and all of their descendents would also be of evil natures just as those angels who followed Lucifer against the will of the Creator.  Yes these “angels” “watchers” etc. were following after the nature and desires of Lucifer.  (Later you will need to understand the hierarchy of angels and spiritual beings and how it works.)  These beings who did these things were captured by other angels and Enoch saw them on both the second and 5th levels of Heaven where they are being held until the day of Great Judgment.  (The Forgotten Books of Eden, also the Books of Enoch.

Some argue that a loving God wouldn’t destroy his creation like that but there was no other choice, no other solution and if these people had a good understanding of what spirits are and what we are and who God is they would know that.  They do not understand and so they choose to argue and allow misguided spirits to guide them away from the truth so they will never understand it.  God couldn’t just go in and correct what these beings had done to pervert the human spirits of those beings.  Remember the human spirit was so unique that He took a rib from Adam just to create Eve and that’s how it was done in order to be correct and compatible.  God couldn’t fix the error all he could do was erase it and start over again with Noah and his family.  Then later when the population of the earth was greater, more “watchers” came and did the same thing again also creating giants on the earth and perverting the spirits of humanity.  Many of these giants lived in a city called Jericho and this is why God needed to destroy that city.  He did this using an army of Israelites lead by a man named Joshua.  (Same name as the incarnated Lord of Light would use but is not the same person.) 

As for the giants, some Bible scholars say these were only evil men who were well known for starting wars but while that is true there was some who really were giants and Goliath was one of them.  Go to the library and look in books of archeology and you will find records that huge skeletons have been dug up in that area of Jericho.  Some of them were as tall as 14 feet and there are some records that speak of giants taller than 16 feet.  The Israelite spies went to that land and came back to report to Joshua telling him, “…there are giants in the land, we are like grasshoppers to them.”  Makes you wonder how some Bible scholars could be so very wrong in their understanding of Biblical things. 

Solution to the problem ?  Kill them all so they do not spread out into the world from where they are and pollute the world with their perverted spirits that cannot be saved.  They not only would continue to have children with altered spirits but would convert others to that spirit like themselves.  There was a cancer on the earth and the only way to fix it was to remove it as best they could. 

There are always going to be those who don’t understand, but think they do, who are going to argue with the truth wherever they find it when it doesn’t agree with what they want to believe in. 


Now comes the part where the Creator acts upon the error in order to save his friends from eternal abandonment. 

While it does appear like magic and miracles to most people, nearly everything in the spirit has a process by which it is created and accomplished and even the Creator Himself follows these rules. 

Since the human spirit was so unique a method by which the human spirit could be re-elevated to a point where it could once again be recognized by the Father had to be implemented.   The one method that would work was for the Lord Of Light, the Creator himself, to join with and be incarnated into the body of a human and for him to do this he had to be born of a human woman.  This woman had to be of the direct spiritual blood line of Adam and had to be someone who he knew by name (someone the Father would recognize.)  His best choice was a woman who He had prepared for this purpose and that was the one who we know as “Mother Mary.” 

Being born of the flesh he was able to create a modified spirit that was both compatible with the Father’s own spirit and the human spirit like that of Adam. 

These things were not just important they were critical in the process of producing the key to salvation for his human friends.  To give them the key to heaven where his Father dwells. 

It was important that he be judged by the religious leaders, accused of something he was not guilty of and then put to death.  It was important that the devil himself did not know who Jesus really was.  Even though some unclean spirits did recognize him he commanded them be silent and when the Lord of Light commands a spirit be silent they will be silent, they have no choice.  Recall the story of the demon possessed man who had been bound but would break the chains and, seeing Jesus coming, ran to him and those spirits called to Him by a name others with him could understand saying, “Lord why have you come, to persecute us before our time?”  And he command them be silent about who he was and then asked what is your name and they answered, “Legion, for we are many.” 

Many preachers teach that the devil knew who Jesus was but I am here to tell you that he had been told, he suspected and he tested Jesus but came to the eventual conclusion that Jesus was just another prophet who had been sent to make problems for him on earth.  I know this because I know how these things worked in the spirit because God has given me to understand them.  I know because I know that Lucifer was watchful for any attempt that God might make to rescue the spirits of his human followers and friends.  If he had known that Jesus was the incarnated Lord of Light he would have also know that to put him to death as he did would have been his own undoing.  Lucifer knew that he was a created being and that he was no match for his creator, and had he know the truth he would never have made that mistake.  

As I said before you will want to understand the make up of angels and archangels, who and what they are and what purpose they serve in creation.  Lucifer being one of the most powerful of all archangels had a fantastic understanding of spiritual things.  He was there during the creation of former life forms on Earth and perhaps on many worlds.  Lucifer commanded many other angels by his authority and we are told the count of those angels was 1/3 of that which existed in all the heavens.  (And 1/3 of all the stars fell from the heavens during that war in the heavens.)  The power he commanded from the Father and the instructions they had been given flowed through Lucifer to all those who were under his command.  If he changed anything that the Lord had given him then that perversion would flow through all those who were below him.  If he said to them, “The Lord said to do this like this” and they, at least most, would follow those orders without question. 

Lucifer was capable of literally creating life forms of his own through what we might call genetic manipulation.  He learned ways around things simply by modifying things that he had seen the Creator make.  The business of those Nephlim coming to earth to pervert human spirits by mating with humans was in fact Lucifer’s idea.  He told those angels to do what they did and they followed those instructions causing havoc on earth.  Once again the Lord had to come in and set things back in order. 

These things I describe to you here are in simple human terms so that anyone might understand them providing the Lord touch their hearts and minds and give them the understanding for these things. 

The Lord of Creation then being cursed and killed on the cross passed then into the low places that formerly wouldn’t accept his presence in this form.  It was written that he preached to those who were captive there and set them free.  What he did in spiritual terms was He went and joined His spirit with his friends who were there and elevated them to the point of leaving that dark place where they were and moving back into the Light where the Father is. 

Some believe that he preached to everyone there and that everyone there was saved but this is not true, only those who the Lord recognized as being his friends were willing and able to accept their Lord’s spirit as He came to them.  Now there may have been a few who were there who had not been saved in life but who did recognize him and were willing to accept his spirit in them to take them beyond that place.  If this is so I do not know.  Generally when a person dies their spirit will be unchanging in death and bound by those spirits that had them bound in life. 

Upon returning he was observed by Mary Magdalene who reached out to embrace him but he said, “Do not touch me for I have not yet ascended to the Father.”  Countless believers accept what he said without any understanding of why he said it.  Simply put within his spiritual essence he carried that key to heaven unblemished by touching anyone else on earth.  It was critical that He carry that spirit to his Father in order for it to be recognized by the Father as being part of His Son.  In simple terms the Father required the Original Key in order that that key would work to provide salvation for those who received even a small part of it. 

Once that key was delivered to the Father it was then possible for Christ to return and to visit with, to teach and to say good bye to those of his friends who were still alive.  At the day of Pentecost that key was delivered special delivery to those who gathered in the upper chambers.  At that moment all who received that spirit were of like mind, understanding things they had not understood before.  When people have the same spirit and the same understanding, they do not fight or argue or debate about what is true and what is not true, what is right or what is wrong, because they all know the same truth. 

Things in the physical world mimic things in the spiritual world.  Many things that Jesus did on earth were symbolic of things which were in heaven and things which he would provide for us.  He knew well that human nature being what it was we would not understand these things and in fact would most likely misunderstand things.  He showed us in examples at the Last Supper how it would be that his body would be broken for us and that his blood would be shed for us.  Some devoted Christians yet to this day believe that eating bread without yeast in it and drinking wine in some way magically converts into the body and blood of Christ.  Of course they couldn’t be more wrong but through misunderstandings like these many who believe themselves to be saved will be lost. 

The symbols relate as such that His physical body was broken but we do not eat his physical body do we ?  His spiritual body was also broken.  Like the fish and loaves that he multiplied to feed the multitude who came to be “fed” He is able to multiply that Holy Spirit for as many as who will and can accept it.  It is His body and it is also His spiritual blood that He gives to us to renew us before His Father who is in heaven. 

He said, “I am the way, the truth, and the life and no one comes unto the Father except through me.”  This is truth and the things I have described on this page explain why they are true.  No other religion or spiritual concepts can make the same claims and no other offers the keys to the Kingdom of Heaven.

How can anyone understand these things unless the Lord himself provide that understanding?

May God bless you.  If you would like you can read about some of my personal experiences.   God's voice.


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Copyrighted© 2002 by Bryon Smith

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When I originally started this page I thought nothing about allowing people to share the information and make as many copies of it as they wanted because most of all I want to share the information here with those who have spiritual need of it.  My agreement with God requires that I write it and share it at least here on the web.  I am also writing and have been writing a book over the past 30 years that one day will be published and this webpage and area may be used in whole or in part in that publication.  Publishers tend to frown on things used in the books they publish if they are not marked on line with a copyright notice in order to prevent someone else from publishing this information under their own title without permission.  This is why I am now required to place the copyright notice on this page.