Visions and Dreams


God speaks in dreams, sometimes in voice even in the dreams, sometimes he shows me written text and I can read it in my dreams and sometimes, most of the time he speaks in symbols in my dreams.  Chances are if you are someone God sent here for a specific reason then God will have shown me that someone is reading this webpage and since it's God's business He wants me to know you are here.  When God shows me people who turn them back on me I know they are not only rejecting what they read here they are rejecting the God who had me put it here.  When people face me in the dreams I know they are at least willing to consider what they find here.  Very recently (last night actually 7-21-2002) God showed me a religious teacher a priest I think and God said what the man would find here would literally blow his hair piece off his head. (Something the man wears on his head.)  While this happens another man turns his back on what I told him and what is written here.

Just like the voices of God people who have never experienced certain things of God have misconceptions built on the lack of evidence.  I have had the son of a preacher tell me that dreams and visions were the same thing only because he had never experienced a full blown waking vision.  He argued with me until we were both give out and nothing was accomplished.  The truth is he will never understand the truth unless he can experience it for himself.  The truth beyond that is if he is not willing to accept the truth first on faith he may never ever experience the very things he thinks he has an understanding for.

I had an old preacher tell me dreams had no value, "Why even dog's dream," he said.  And I said "Yes God speaks to His creatures," then I told him to read Numbers 12:6 and after reading it he looked up and said "I never thought about dreams like that before."  To which I responded "Perhaps you should."  How in the world can a preacher, teacher, pastor, or priest lead the people if they themselves are not being lead by God?  The answer is they can't.  All they can do is read the written word and walk blindly as did the scribes and the Pharisees of the days of old.  Today as then the written laws themselves can not save the people, only the real true "Living Word of God" who is in the "Holy Spirit of God" can do that.

God speaks in full blown visions which are astounding and sometimes frightening to behold.  God speaks in night visions which are similar to a vision and God can speak in them with an actual voice as clearly as he does in full blown visions.  So clearly you can quote Him word for word.  God speaks in dreams most frequently which are a symbolic language or what He calls "dark speech."  Humility and loyalty and a great deal of experience are required in order to make a close or accurate translation on your own.  Sometimes God gives the very humbled prophet a divine translation where one voice of God translates and gives understanding for another voice of God.  This process can be rather amazing but then I think they are all amazing.

The Holy Spirit itself is the intercessor, translator and communicator.  The Holy Spirit is what Jesus died on the cross to produce for us causing us to be able to speak to the Father and actually be heard and get answers.  This is what makes it possible for all the regular voices of God to function allowing a person to actually have a two way conversation with the Creator.  When Jesus said to speak to the Father in Jesus's name this is exactly what He was referring to.  Saying the name of Jesus until you are blue in the face will not help you if you do not have the "real working and functional" Holy Spirit within you.  I say "real" because there are fakes, there is the spirit of religion that tells people all kinds of things that aren't correct based on the lack of other evidence.  I say "functional" because spirits including the Holy Spirit can be bound by other deceptive spirits until it is not fully functional.

Before Jesus died on the cross, went into the underworld, then back to his Father in heaven and back again to create the Holy Spirit for us, all most people had was the written laws.  There were a few exceptions and that being the Living Word chose certain Prophets to act as verbal ambassadors to God in order that the people could communicate with God and that God could send messages back to them in answer.  Now the laws couldn't save anyone and even Adam, Eve, and quite a few other prophets died and went into the Underworld previous to the descending and distributing of the Holy Spirit.  Jesus of course went there during his three days of death and set them free from the Underworld allowing them to cross back over into the Light of the Father.

God has a spirit of conviction that He uses to call people to redemption causing them to recognizing their transgressions, then repent of them and then to seek out and pray for the Holy Spirit.  The spirit of conviction is a voice of God that can speak to those who are not saved or recall a person who is saved having the Holy Spirit to repent for some transgression.  This voice is not generally heard with the human ear but felt in the heart very much like a spirit of conscious.

Speaking in tongues is something the Holy Spirit will do like crazy providing it is not bound by some other spirit.  There are powerful spirits of religion that can bind the Holy Spirit and prevent it from being functional and prevent it from speaking even in the mysterious tongues.  The more a person prays in tongues (in the spirit) the more they allow the spirit to speak through them the more they can also recognize and understand the subtle voices of the Holy spirit.  For years I had the Holy Spirit but because it didn't speak in tongues for me there were some who thought I didn't have the Holy Spirit at all.  One minister of the Gospel who having been given the gift of spiritual sight and many of the wonderful gifts of the spirit came and prayed for me to receive the Holy Spirit.  He prayed for awhile and knowing his past results expected me to speak in tongues at any moment but when it didn't happen he began to ask God what was wrong.  God answered him and he said "God says you have the Holy Spirit all ready but that it is bound and must be unbound to allow it to function fully."  Then he changed his prayer and began to pray for my spirit to be unbound and he did not stop praying until the Holy Spirit within me began to speak and pray in tongues.  Now I have a hard time getting it to shut up.  :-)  So those bound by religion will say "what good is it if you can't understand it?"  Believe me you live with it long enough you will not only learn to understand it you will even get divine translations for it.  They say "I thought those were just unlearned languages that other people could understand."  Yes the Holy Spirit can speak in any language even of men and of angels.  "It doesn't sound the same when that person speaks in tongues as it does with that other person speaks in tongues!"  No it doesn't because the Holy Spirit we are given is given a particular voice and a particular language and each one is as unique to a person as their own finger prints. 

As with so many of God's wonderful gifts if a person doesn't experience it personally they tend to explain it away and then teach other people their misconceptions.  If a person or church or denomination tells a lie enough times that lie will be established as the truth to them and their people.  If a person is told enough times that speaking in tongues is one of those "special" gifts that was done away with they will believe it.  If they believe it this will allow the spirits of religion speaking lies to bind the Holy Spirit inside of a person until it can not speak.  Likewise this lie allows the sprit of religion to replace the Holy Spirit of God in a person's life.  This in turn causes a person to believe they are saved when they are not.  Speaking and being able to pray in the spirit tongues is the first and least most gift of the spirit.  This means it is the easiest gift to receive and it is also the most essential gift of the spirit because without it a person will not be able to effectively communicate with the Father on a personal level which is exactly what Jesus intends for us to do with it.  It's not there to argue about, it is there for God's children to make proper use of.  It is not there for them to misuse or to flaunt saying that just because someone can speak in tongues that they should all the time showing off their spirituality.  Please do not misuse this wonderful spiritual gift.  It is there so you can effectively communicate with God and get answers back from God.  God does not give this gift to show off with.  Do not spend a great deal of time focusing on the gift itself but spend more time using it to develop your personal relationship with God the Father.

If a particular religion tells a lie for 2000 years it's pretty hard to undo the damage that lie will have caused.  Yet people come to me saying their church was established 2000 years ago and it has not changed.  They have no clue how many things involved in that particular religion have been lies for 2000 years.  The amount of power a spirit will have to bind the truth after that length of time is phenomenal.  The written laws are even older than that and yet they could not save anyone and Jesus himself said this.

There are some who deny the power of the Holy Spirit and they have their excuses for doing so as well.  They like to say that speaking in tongues is the least of the spiritual gifts and therefore it is not important.  The truth about that fact is quite simple.  If they would stop and think the least of the spiritual gifts is in fact the most basic and most important of all the spiritual gifts because only though using that least of spiritual gifts can they access all the other spiritual gifts that may be available to them.  When Satan lied to them and people like them he bound those who have the Holy Spirit so that they are almost completely unable to use it, to hear it or to communicate with God the Father effectively. He also did something even more underhanded by preventing people from even knowing if they were saved.  Speaking in tongues is the first and most basic sign that someone has the received the Holy Spirit.  When people believe the devil's lies about these spiritual gifts they pass that lie along until they bind as many other people in the spirit as they can.  These other people being bound in the spirit have no idea what they are missing or knowledge of the lie they have been deceived by.  Then the devil went one step further and said "even the devil can speak in tongues" and though being a twisted truth it served to cause many people to become fearful of speaking in tongues.  They say "I don't want that spirit, that's of the devil."  The Bible says they who say good is evil and evil is good are cursed and from this point on they are cursed.  The damage to these people is extensive and almost completely irreversible.

Now if I were actually a member of some Pentecostal faith you might say to me, "You say that because they taught to you to say that!"  But I am not a member of a Pentecostal church and they did not teach me to say that.  I say that because God has instructed me to teach it because it is true.  Most children even very small can make sounds and soon will learn to talk and to communicate with others.  The Holy Spirit is just like this and the moment it is born into a human body it should give some evidence in a person's life that it has arrived and the speaking in tongues even though you don't understand it is quite normal.  It is a baby being born into a human body.  It is the new birth, the rebirth and being born again!  It is a most wondrous thing to behold.  If you could only see these things and how God has designed them you would be completely amazed.  Things in the physical world only mimic things in the spiritual world and every time you wonder why something is as it is you can understand that it became as it is in the spirit first and then in the flesh.  You can see how God is able to design and change things as He desires.  You can learn why there are so many different races and colors of people on the earth and you would say "So that's how He did that."  You can learn cause and effect of being exposed to certain kinds of spirits over a length of time and then your spiritual eyes would be opened and your ears would hear and understand wonders and secrets of the Kingdom of Heaven.

God did not allow me to receive the gift of tongues inside of any kind of church but it happened here in my house thanks to a wonderful man who God sent to help repair the damages done by another church denomination that had bound my spirit up.  But God has deliberately kept me aside from the church denominations for a very specific reason.  It doesn't make sense to most either they say "The Bible says you are forsaking the fellowship by not being in church every time the doors are opened."  And some go as far as to say that anyone who doesn't go to church is bound for hell.  You know what I say?  I say find you a church you like and get in there and help them with their work.  I don't ask anyone, not one to follow me or be like me.  I wouldn't wish this on anyone but I was called to be as I am and there are others who have been called just as I have who know exactly what I am saying.  What has my personal calling allowed me to do?  I can stand outside of all the religions and tell you which is closer to God than all others without being influence by any single one of them to preach what they want you to hear. I even had some very nice people ask me to pastor their church and God said NO for that very same reason.  Personally I was honored by their request and would have done it but I don't usually get to do what I want to do in this life.

The Spirits of Religion like to bind the Holy Spirit of God within a person preventing it from being fully functional and if they can prevent it from speaking they really can do that person and God a terrible injustice.  God's taking notes to so be very careful what you teach or tell others about spiritual things.


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