The Nature of Spiritual Things


The Laws that Govern Spiritual Things

Updated 7-28-2004

Rules and Laws of Creation

Just as all things in the physical world have laws they must abide by all things in the spirit world also have laws and rules that establish the boundaries of their existence.  Laws and rules of existence were first established in the spirit realms and then were carried down into the physical realm in translated format.  Spiritual rules over-ride physical laws.  Jesus did this when he walked up on the water.  He did this when he healed people.  But He never broke the rules He set forth for spiritual things.

Some of these rules are more like guidelines while other are established and unchanging.

Rules of business have guidelines.

1) The customer is always right, even if they don't know what they are talking about.
2) Never discuss politics, religion, or sports with a customer unless you can agree with them.
3) Never tell a man's wife what's wrong with him. If they have been together for quite a few years chances are she worked hard to get him like that. Same thing works for the wife.  Just keep your thoughts to yourself.
4) If you want to keep a customer do their job as good and as quickly as you can without arguments.

You get the idea.  These are rules you have the choice of breaking if you choose to.  It's not in your better interests to break these rules but the choice is yours.  When customers refuse to return you should know you may have broken one of these rules.

The law of gravity is another thing.  It's a law that can be bent thanks to science.  Rockets and aircraft of various kinds temporally defy or overcome the law of gravity through physics.

The Nature of Spirits

Nature takes its examples from spiritual things.  All of the senses that we have in the physical world are senses that were first developed in the spiritual world.  Likewise you will find certain things in the physical to be the same as things in the spiritual.  For example.  If you smoke, chances are you can't smell the smoke on yourself.  Chances are you have a hard time smelling the same type of smoke on someone else.  But someone who does not smoke can smell you upwind several feet away.  If you drink, chances are you won't smell the alcohol on you or your drinking buddies, but someone else who doesn't drink can smell you and know you have been drinking regardless what you tell them.  People who do drugs think that others may not be aware of their condition.  I know of people who did or may still do drugs who's entire image and personality would change when they did drugs.  Their face would light up bright red.  They will get a silly expression on their face and when I would ask if they were high they would say "NO" as if they thought they could lie to me and get away with it.  Spirits are the very same.  The more a person associates with a spirit (familiar spirits) the more they fail to recognize the spirit or the danger.  The further they distance themselves from bad spirits the more able they are to sense the bad spirits as well as people who have bad spirits in them.  Simply put, people who have demons or are under the influence of demons are not aware they are under the influence of a demon.  People who do not know the danger they are in will not ask for help.  If they do not ask they can't be helped.

Always remember that successful people surround themselves with other successful people and those who make them feel good about themselves.  Losers typically surround themselves with people of like nature who drink and argue about things they can't change or do not understand.  Bad company can and will ruin good morals.  People who are saved, having the indwelling of the Holy Spirit of God will generally surround themselves with people of like spirit.  These are the people they choose to have close to them.  So if you think you might like to be someone's friend the first rule is do not offend them in any way.  A man, a former friend, possessed and controlled by evil spirits went on a rampage against the Bible and the God of the Bible.  I warned him to be careful because I know people who have done that very same thing who have become overcome by demons and lost everything they had.  He sent me a message back telling me I was insane.  He doesn't send me mail anymore because I will not allow him to.  I recognize the demon who is with him, and this demon is my enemy.  He can not see or feel the demon within him. He can not sense the influence this demon has over him, so he thinks I am insane.  He talks about the de-bunkers and how he hates them, but then I told him he himself is a de-bunker.  He has become the very thing that he says he hates most in life, yet he can not see himself.  He tries to prove the God of the Bible is wrong by finding fault in the translated scriptures.  He does not understand the true term of "inspired text" and yet he does not realize that he himself is being inspired by a demon to write the things that he writes.  It is not what goes into the mouth that defiles a man, but what comes out.  I told him, but he cannot understand.  Instead of searching out the truth, they search for things to support what they have chosen to believe in.

The further I distance myself from people who are under the control of demons the better and more successful I become.  It is pointless to argue or even discuss spiritual things with them.  They can not understand because these things of the spirit are spiritually discerned. Cast not thy pearls before the swine, lest they turn and trample your pearls and then attack you.


The Creator is also a spiritual being, but one able to take on human form.  Adam was created in the likeness of the Creator.  How was this accomplished?  The spirit contains genetic codes.  Before the Creator began forming Adam of the clay found in a special cave He had all ready designed Adam's genetic code.  This code was contained within a ball of energy containing spiritual information.  Balls of spiritual energy or a thick cloud of spiritual energy are described during an appearance by God.  This was literally "spoken" from the mouth of the Creator into the clay intended to create Adam.  This caused the form and design of Adam to become physical.  Then the Creator breathed another spirit into Adam from the Father.  This spirit was referred to as "The Breath of Life."

Adam was then taken to a protected area known as the Garden of Eden.  This place was literally a design laboratory for the Creator's work.  According to the description of this place and the rivers that encompassed it the Garden of Eden was originally in Iraq.  You should keep that in mind because later on you may ask why God has such an interest in Iraq.  The two places most mentioned in the Bible are Jerusalem and Iraq, then comes Egypt.

Oil and water don't mix, unless you add in a little soap.

In order to understand salvation and restoration to the Father you must first understand who and what we are and why we need help to return to our Father who is in Heaven.  Approximately 5,500 years before Christ Jesus was born Adam and Eve were kicked out of the Garden of Eden.  Why?  Because Eve did something she was told not to do.  She "ate of the fruit of the tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil."  She gave that fruit to Adam who also ate of it.  This began a three part transformation in the beings the Creator referred to as Adam.  Because "evil" was found within them and they "knew their sin" the Creator put them outside of the gates of Eden.  Therefore you must realize the results of sin is separation from God.  Before sin Adam and Eve were protected by God.  After sin, Adam and Eve were watched over but not in a continually protected state.  Before sin Adam and Eve were fed and cared for by God.  After sin Adam and Eve had to feed and cloth themselves.  After sin Adam and Eve eventually died.

What is Sin?

The Christian Bible is filled with profound truths and wonderful rules of various kinds.  Some of these spiritual rules are given but not explained.  It likes to point out what a sin is in the form of an act of disobedience, but doesn't really explain why certain things are a sin.  Of course common sense is very helpful when it comes to understanding what a sin is.  Adam and Eve sinned when they ate of the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil.  But do you really understand what the process of that sin was?  The only thing you know is God told them "don't do it" and "in the day that you eat of it you shall die."  We know the serpent who beguiled Eve told her "You shall surely not die but you shall become as God, knowing good and evil."  And then after their act of sin God comes along and says "Behold, man has become as we are, knowing good and evil."  And presto, God put Adam and Eve out of the Garden of Eden to fend for themselves in an unkind world.

Now you can know these rules, like it's better to do what God says and not challenge His understanding and you will do well.  But spiritual wisdom can tell you why God said these things and why things are just exactly as God said they are.  The first thing you need to understand is that God established all the rules in both worlds.  He knows them better than anyone.  And when you hear God say something you can know there is a good reason for it.  If you see God do something you know there is a good reason for it.

What did sin get Adam and Eve?  It got them everything God said it would get them.  It also got them something the Serpent said it would get them.  Like God, knowing good and evil.  But not "God like" as in living forever or being all powerful.  The serpent said they would not die but the serpent lied didn't he?  The serpent had an evil spirit inside of him that controlled him.  It made him say things.  That spirit was the spirit of Lucifer.  Lucifer was tricky like that before his fall from the heavens and he's still tricky like that as the devil, and the great old dragon.  Notice the nature of the serpent who was being controlled by Lucifer and how that serpent said exactly what Lucifer would have said had he been there in person.

Simply Put

1) Sin is a choice people make to break the rules God has established.  (It got Adam and Eve separated from God by having them removed from the Garden of Eden.)
2) Sin is also a condition of being separated from God.  (As in "Living in Sin.").
3) A condition of sin can be observed as a wrong choice that a person makes that defies God's instructions. (God said "Don't", they did it anyway.)
4) Sin is the precursor to death, both physically and spiritually.  The results of Sin is death.

5) You make your choices during life.  After the physical death the spirit has no options to reincarnation or a second chance.  You can not be prayed out of purgatory or saved by proxy baptism so don't let anyone lie to you about that.


The Descendents of Adam and Eve

We, as descendents of Adam and Eve were born into a state and condition of their original sin.  We live our lives and we die a physical death.

They say that a person who learns from their mistakes shows a sign of wisdom.  They need not make those same mistakes again.  What did Adam and Eve learn from their sin?  They learned about the Knowledge of Good and EvilGood representing the abiding of God's Word and rules.  Evil being the disobedience of God's Word and rules.

Yes in the beginning the concept of sin was as simple as a binary code.  It was either 1= yes or 0= no.  But look around you today my friends.  The world most people see is either gray or shades of gray isn't it?  Don't let our reality fool you.  No matter what color your world appears to be God is keeping score and He still sees black and white.

God also abides by His own rules.  Many times He makes decisions based on the rules He has established.  He doesn't just choose to be mean to people.  According to the rules He has established for all of creation He set for those who were given the "Knowledge of the Fruit of Good and Evil" and called them "Intelligent Beings."  I want you to take a moment and think about this.  Of all the animals on earth, there are some that have basic instincts and some that are fairly smart like dolphins or primates.  There is wide range of intelligence when it comes to animals, but only human beings are considered Intelligent Beings.  Human beings are also the ones who according to the original sin of Adam and Eve fall into the category of being under the influence of the "fruit of the Knowledge of Good and Evil."  That means we have rules we must follow that certain other animals do not need to concern themselves with.  Regardless each species must follow the established set of rules that apply to that species.  Simply put humans have a more complex set of rules that determine what is a sin to them.  To each is given a measure of the spirit.  And the more one is given the more that person is responsible for.

God is the Same Today and Forever

God does not make mistakes.  The spiritual laws He established 1000's of years ago are still in effect.  If he said something was bad 10,000 years ago then you can bet that in some sense it is bad yet today.  There were two sets of rules.  The laws given to Moses were given for a reason, even though abiding by every letter of those laws could not save anyone.  They preceded the spiritual laws that would be given by Jesus through the indwelling of the Holy Spirit.  Once the indwelling of the Holy Spirit is established, the apostle could say "All things are lawful for me, but not all things are helpful."  Now the laws of God are written within the heart of the person who has the indwelling of the Holy Spirit of God.  Now they can do things the laws warned against and not be lost because of it.  But "some things are not helpful."  So the person would refrain from doing certain things.  They could eat meat offered to Idols because they understood that an idol is not God or even a god.  But if someone was watching who thought that was a sin then to do so would confuse that child of God who did not understand.  Therefore it was wrong to eat the meat offered to the idol while this other child of God was watching.

Spiritual Imprinting

Spiritual energy contains information that can be translated into physical form.  I mentioned how the Creator designed Adam in the spirit then translated the information contained in the spirit into physical form.  Spiritual imprinting takes place every day on many levels without humans ever being aware of it.  Spirits move between people picking up information and then depositing it somewhere else.  Everything a person has ever done or experienced, including ever dream they have long forgotten is contained within their spiritual information.  This is how it is possible that if a person dies their essence and every memory and who they are can and does exist beyond death and the grave.

Spiritual information can be passed between people through touching or shaking someone's hand.  Their minds are usually oblivious to the transaction of spiritual energy but their spirits are aware of it.  Healing was accomplished through the laying on of the hands and through prayer.  The passing on of the Holy Spirit is usually accomplished through the laying on of hands and through prayer.  Evil spirits also conduct the transfer of spiritual information through touch.  Some people even channel messages from alien beings because some demon has touched them and deposited a deceptive message within them.  People who are under the influence of dark entities or demons usually are not aware they are being controlled or influenced by demons.  Spiritual things and the truth become obscured to them.  The truth either becomes folly to them or offensive to them.

Spiritual Turmoil

Something has been happening since the terrible tragedy that took place on 9/11/2001.  The intensity between the angels of light and the demons of the darkness has been growing steadily.  This is being observed in a multitude of people all over the world, but many people do not realize what is taking place.  In this we have wars and rumors of wars in various places on earth.  We also see the same kind of spiritual tension between individual people.  Old friends and family are turning against each other for no apparent reason.  The reason of course is the diversity between their spirits.  Those of the light are being separated from those of the darkness.  The lines between them are being defined.  Even those who have apparently small variations from the path of truth are being "inspired" to do or say things to offend the people of the light.

This year I have lost 4 people who I considered friends for years.  One them actually began speaking things that I knew only the demon Nata would have said to me.  He went completely crazy at that moment and began hurling what appeared to be random insults.  A host of revelations were given to me at that moment and I realized what the demon Nata had been doing over the past few years to prevent me from accomplishing one of my objectives in life.  He had been using some of my "friends" against me.  The reason I had not noticed sooner was because I simply didn't want to believe it.  Another went crazy on me and told me I must embrace spiritual and sexual perversions before I could pass on into the next level of consciousness.  Before I could meet the "alien beings" who wait for us on a higher level.  And right after that another long time friend said the very same thing!  I don't think these two men knew each other but they said the very same thing.  Both said we must embrace sexual perversions and immorality.  That God put these things on the earth in order for us to embrace and accept them.  And he added "Otherwise how will we be able to accept the aliens who reside in the heavens?"  Pardon me!  But I thought you were a Christian!  And he told me that I was "not very Christ like."  Excuse me but I do know how Christ feels and reacts to demons, unclean spirits and people who have such spirits inside them.  When he healed them he said "go your way and sin no more."  He did not embrace their sin and He still doesn't.  I know if those "aliens" don't follow creation's rules they will find themselves with the fallen angels burning in hell fire for all eternity.  And I will not accept their perversions.  And if I were to go one step further quite a lot of those so called aliens are all ready fallen angels.

The last long time friend who turned on me went on the warpath against Christians, the Bible and the God of the Bible in a message group of which I was a part.  He said he was a former Christian and had learned that Jesus wasn't the only way to reach heaven, and he was going to prove it.  I told him a little bit about that first former friend who did the very same thing.  Was once a preacher then turned on God and literally became possessed by demons, one of which I know by the name of Nata.  Then this former friend tells me that if I believe that spirits can inhabit a person that I'm insane and should be in an asylum receiving treatment for my mental condition.  He said he knew a lot of people who hate God and the Bible who are perfectly sane.  I didn't even answer his message because God had told me beforehand what would happen and that at that point in time I was to no longer have contact with this man.  I put him on the blacklist and hope never to hear from him again.  That is unless he sees the demons who inflict him and finds his way back to the Light of Christ.  I know for certain there is no sanity without God and without Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit.  You wonder why the world seems to have gone mad, it's because the entire world doesn't believe in the One True God.  If everyone on earth believed in the one True God there would be love not war.  There would solutions not problems.  There would be unity instead of chaos.  There would be truth instead of lies.  There would healing instead of sickness.  There would be life instead of death.

It doesn't do any good to try to discuss these things with people who have demons or are under demonic control.  They can not and will not comprehend the things of the spirit.  It is not possible for them to understand such things.  Trying to help them will only harm the one who tries.  There are some people who can't be helped.  This is why Jesus said "leave them alone, they are blind guides."  And didn't want anything to do with people who were under the influence of the devil.  If someone is cursed by God because of a cursed spirit residing within them then it is not wise to try to overthrow God's decisions.  Just by coming into contact with people under the influence of the devil a person can and will be harmed in some way.  Verbal abuse can do a great deal of harm.  But there are other things that harm that are not seen as easily.

The Bible and Jesus both said that spirits inhabit people.  I have seen it, I have seen the results of it and I can prove they do.  Spirits moving around and through a woman's body.  See for yourself.  If you guessed this hate filled former friend of mine never saw or commented on this video clip you are right.  He didn't because it proves that spirits do in fact use people has hosts.  They change them from the inside out just like we read in the Bible.  Now this video clip on line has been reduced in quality and frame rate so you can't see all of the spirit orbs.  But I have this clip in full DV format and you can see quite a few more orbs moving around inside her in the full DV.  You can see golf ball size orbs moving in her shoulders and chest.

To be continued...

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Copyrighted© 2004 by Bryon Smith