The Fine Line Between Sanity and Insanity

Throughout the years people who have had extraordinary, intelligence or insight like Ben Franklin or Einstein or people who have had extraordinary experiences have been labeled as being less than sane.   They have been ridiculed and shamed by people who for what ever reason either could not or would not accept the possibility that greater things than themselves could exist.

In the days of  Enoch, 7th from Adam people were aware of great beings who went to and from the earth in brilliant craft known as fiery chariots.  The ancient Egyptians wrote of god's who also went to and from the dwelling place of RA in fiery boats.  At various places on earth and through history people have witnessed strange craft in the sky's above the earth.  Cave drawings show the image of strange beings who visited the earth.  The Dogan tribe in Africa tell of a white humanoid being who came to earth from the system of Sirius.  He told them of his solar system and a planet that takes 50+ years to make one rotation around it's sun.  The Dogans do a dance to portray this planet.  Until fairly recently this planet was unknown but now powerful telescopes can see a planet orbiting the star Sirius and now they say that such a planet does exist.  How did the Dogans know, unless their story is true.  And the strange visitor returned to his world.  Religious paintings also show the presence of strange craft in the sky. 


Back in the early 1940's people accepted the possibility that UFO's and alien craft could exist.  When a "craft of unknown origin" crashed north of Roswell, NM the US Air Force released the news that a UFO had been recovered.  I went to Roswell, NM.  I spoke with people who were there on the base at that time.  I spoke with one man who said he was there at the crash sight.  He said 5 small humanoid beings wearing uniforms bearing unknown symbols were found at the crash sight.  Jesse Marcel, intelligence officer looked at the debris field and brought back items to show his family.  His son, a Dr. still tells the story of that night.  Until that moment the possibility that UFO's and alien beings existing was accepted by a large portion of the population.  The craft was flown to Dallas, a cover story was created.  It was then flown to Wright Field AFB where it was tucked away for further study.  During an interview with the commander of the Write Paterson AFB they asked if that was the place where the crashed UFO from Roswell, NM was taken and the commander said "It is.  But there are no alien's or alien artifacts here now."

From the time the Air Force cover story came out that the crashed craft was nothing but a secret weather balloon a kind of spirit of stupidity swept over Americans.  A story that ridiculed Major Jesse Marcel, a highly intelligent high ranking intelligence officer based at the most secure highly sensitive Air Force base in the USA, who couldn't tell the difference between a balloon, of which he had seen many, and a crashed craft of unknown origin.

A multitude of witnesses have told their stories and yet even to to this day people who say they have witnessed a UFO up close are occasionally ridiculed and told they are either crazy or they are imagining things.

In 1970 a friend and I had the opportunity to have a very close encounter with a UFO over route 100 in Pearl, IL.  Of course this UFO was a regular visitor to our little town and quite a few people had seen it come down the IL river, hover over the power lines then cross over to Old Pearl and head south again toward Kampsville and Harden.  But Leslie and I saw the UFO up close only a few yards away hovering still just a few yards above the ground.

An experience of this kind will permanently change a person's life.  They will never be the same again.  They are no longer among the unbelievers, but rather among the believers now.  Such things do exist.  Just because a person has never seen a UFO or craft of unknown origin does not mean they do not exist.  And once you have seen one you know they are real and nothing anyone else says can change your mind.  Mention it to the right people though and you will find yourself on the brunt end of a verbal stoning.  Your crazy!  Your seeing things that aren't real!  Even my dad was resistant to the concept and he saw the same UFO the same night from about a half mile away.  Finally after talking with some of his friends who admitted they had also seen the UFO and other UFO's he slowly came to the conclusion that such things must exist, or the entire world has gone mad.

Many witnesses who have seen UFO's or alien beings or things that might reveal the fact that the government is lying to the people, are being told to keep their mouths shut or suffer the consequences.  Some from the Roswell crash were told that they would be killed and no one would ever find their bones out there in the desert.  Such fear was instilled into so many of these first hand witnesses they were afraid to say anything about it until recently.  Some took their stories to the grave with them.

The UFO's around Pike CO, IL come back now and then and when they do the military flies their jets through the night sky popping flairs and telling the news media that it's nothing but military night maneuvers.  My friend who saw the UFO with me that night spent 25 years in the air force and he sees them up there flying around.  He said "I've seen everything the Air Force has and I've never seen a flair the size of a car or truck.  I've never seen a flair hover over someone's field then take off again."  And neither have I.  Why does the Air Force do this?  It's a distraction and a cover story to throw those who may have some doubt about the UFO's back into a disillusioned state of mind.  The very same thing was done in CO where UFO's flew south over the city and were witnessed by many and video taped by some.  The military flew jets over a MOA and popped a long string of flairs to distract the people from the reality that was taking place over the city.  To the trained eye flairs are easy to identify.

The UFO story boils down to the fact that the US Military got their hands on something unusual (not a secret weather balloon) that crashed north of Roswell.  Something they didn't want the rest of the world to become aware of.  They started a disinformation campaign and from that moment until now people have been ridiculed for saying they have had a close encounter with a UFO, or alien beings.  (Those looking at these things from a religious perspective don't get the wrong idea.  I'm convinced that at least some of those so called alien beings are not alien beings at all.  They are just being misidentified for the lack of a better understanding of what and who they really are.)

Big Foot, Sasquash, Yeti

Like UFO's and ghosts, there are a lot of people who say these creatures do not exist and they will ridicule anyone who says they have had a close encounter with one of them.  But a lot of people have seen what could be called a Big Foot and some of them were within a few steps away from the creature.  One of those close encounters happened right here in the county I live in.  The witness stood just 15 short feet from a hulking fur covered creature who refused to be the first one to leave.  His story can be found at this link.  Do you think for one moment that a non-believer can convince this man that what he saw wasn't real?  That it couldn't exist?  And the non-believer's only evidence is the fact they have not personally had a sighting of their own.  Therefore they base their belief on the lack of evidence, while the witness knows what they saw was real.


All the way back to Adam and Eve people have been aware of the fact that ghost's exists.  Now a ghost may not necessarily be the spirit of someone who's dead, it might be the result of some other spiritual phenomena, but non the less for 1000's of years people accepted the idea that unseen things exist all around us.  What they might be could be anyone's guess.  Some think these spirits are all spirits of the dead.  Some think they are spirits of the dead who have not crossed into the light to complete their spirit journey.  Some think they are demons out to do humanity harm.  Some think these are natural spirits of the earth.  But the same thing happens to those who witness paranormal phenomena today, they are likely to be ridiculed by the debunkers and non-believers who base their understanding on the lack of evidence.  Some choose not to believe in such things for different reasons.  For some it is fear that some form of punishment for past sins might actually exist.  And these are sometimes obsessed with a campaign trying to disprove the God of the Bible or the fact that Hell and Heaven might actually exist.

I was raised in a haunted house.  The spirit didn't do much, it made sounds, sometimes it moved things around but it was notorious for opening the closet door at the foot of my bed.  One night I pushed a heavy box of books up against the door.  The door had a latch on it, but the latch didn't stop the spirit from opening the door.  I just knew that a ghost wouldn't be strong enough to move that box.  So I went to bed and got up the next day and the door was still shut.  I smiled thinking I had done something worthy, until I walked past the foot of my bed and found the box was pushed out away from the door.  I unlatched the door and opened it and it fit exactly against the edge of the box.  The door had opened in the middle of the night with enough force that it pushed a heavy box of books at least 2 feet from where I had put it.  I can't tell you it was the ghost of someone dead, but I can say it was a spirit of some kind and it was smart enough to unlatch the door and strong enough to push a heavy box of books.

Mrs. Blye, an old English teacher died in the house next door.  Dad bought the house.  I snuck over there one night just to prowl around in the dark inside the old house.  A young lad looking for excitement might do something along those lines, I did.  Anyway while there I was seated on one of the beds and I heard footsteps walking though the house.  I wondered who it might be.  When the footsteps came into the middle of the living room I ran out there with my flashlight on expecting to catch the culprit.  I was shocked to see that no one was there!  The footsteps had stopped.  I slammed the door and locked it.  The footsteps came to the door and when the doorknob turned I went out the bedroom window head first.  I told my sister all about it.  I returned finally after mustering enough courage and I listened to the footsteps walk through the house until they stopped.  I heard a squeaking door and the sound of a wheel chair.  I returned home and told my sister what I had heard.  We came back in the daylight and retraced the steps.  We found a secret door in a corner of a far room.  Inside the room was a box with a wooden leg.  I know how this story sounds, the lady named Blye and a wooden leg.  But it is exactly 100% true.  The ghost of Mrs. Blye haunted that house.  She had a wooden leg and a wheelchair.  But I didn't know that until dad bought the house.

Do ghosts exists?  Well something remained in the house after the death of the old woman.  Something down right creepy.  Something that could not be seen but it could be heard.  Something that could turn a doorknob.  Something that responded to someone else's presence.   It wasn't just sounds recorded on the fabric of time and that old house.  The ghost made decisions based on my presence there.  Like the movie "The Others", the ghost may have been seeing me as a ghost in her house.  Something moving things around and making sounds, yet not quite within her ability to see.

Years ago the majority of the population believed in the existence of spirits and ghosts, but today you will find a multitude of people who will tell you that you are crazy if you believe in such things.

Ghosts are Spirits but not all Spirits are Ghosts

The Bible talks about spirits of various kinds.  It speaks of angels and demons and dark entities and unclean spirits.  It also speaks of the Holy Spirit

Luke 8:30 and Mark 5:9

30 Jesus asked him, "What is your name?"

"Legion," he replied, because many demons had gone into him. 31 And they begged him repeatedly not to order them to go into the Abyss.

32 A large herd of pigs was feeding there on the hillside. The demons begged Jesus to let them go into them, and he gave them permission. 33 When the demons came out of the man, they went into the pigs, and the herd rushed down the steep bank into the lake and was drowned. "

The Bible indicates these spirits inhabited a man who they literally drove crazy and then Jesus cast these spirits from the man into pigs.  The pigs immediately went crazy and ran off a cliff and killed themselves.

A spirit is like a ghost, in that it is generally not seen by the human eye.  Here we read where Jesus tells Nicodemus how to become saved.

John 3:5-15

5 Jesus answered, "I tell you the truth, no one can enter the kingdom of God unless he is born of water and the Spirit. 6 Flesh gives birth to flesh, but the Spirit gives birth to spirit. 7 You should not be surprised at my saying, `You must be born again.' 8 The wind blows wherever it pleases. You hear its sound, but you cannot tell where it comes from or where it is going. So it is with everyone born of the Spirit."

9 "How can this be?" Nicodemus asked.

10 "You are Israel's teacher," said Jesus, "and do you not understand these things? 11 I tell you the truth, we speak of what we know, and we testify to what we have seen, but still you people do not accept our testimony. 12 I have spoken to you of earthly things and you do not believe; how then will you believe if I speak of heavenly things? 13 No one has ever gone into heaven except the one who came from heaven--the Son of Man. 14 Just as Moses lifted up the snake in the desert, so the Son of Man must be lifted up, 15 that everyone who believes in him may have eternal life.


John 4:22-24


22 You Samaritans worship what you do not know; we worship what we do know, for salvation is from the Jews. 23 Yet a time is coming and has now come when the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and truth, for they are the kind of worshipers the Father seeks. 24 God is spirit, and his worshipers must worship in spirit and in truth."

I have set in bold some of the key text, though all of these are important I wish to point out certain things.  Nicodemus was a teacher of the law, yet you see he could not comprehend what Jesus was saying concerning spiritual things.  These things were simple to Jesus.  He said "I tell you the truth, we speak of what we know, and we testify to what we have seen, but still you people do not accept our testimony."

And he said "Flesh gives birth to flesh, but the Spirit gives birth to spirit."

If you can comprehend these things do you also comprehend what Jesus was saying in John 3:13?  "No one has ever gone into heaven except the one who came from heaven -- the Son of Man."

But anyone who has the Holy Spirit of God may enter heaven, as "the Son of Man."  Meaning the Father recognizes His children all the same.  No one enters Heaven without the spirit of the Creator, who is "The Son of Man" therefore being the only begotten Son of the Father.

Through faith in believing the unseen God has revealed many things to me.  These things to me are very simple for me to understand as God has given me the ability to comprehend them.  But the world is filled with people who do not and can not understand such things.  To them these things are foolishness.

One by one I have watched long time friends turn against me and against others who stand in the Light.  Recently one of them told me that if I believe in God and such things as spirits who can inhabit people that I am "insane" and should be "committed into an asylum right away."  It is not possible for him to comprehend such things therefore such things can not be true.  At least not in his mind they can't.

When such wondrous things are made visible to us and the understanding given we can never be the same.  And they who are called and chosen are a peculiar people.

When someone dies and walks in the spirit and see angels and spirits all around them, these things are real, that person will never be the same again.

When a person experiences the shadow of death and dies, they know the shadow of death is a real spirit and they know what it does.  How shall they tell what they know if they do not return to life?  They can not.  But some of us like myself have experienced such things and were returned to tell what we have experienced.  Why would God allow some of us such experiences?  To verify these things which we are taught  in the Bible.

When someone sees a UFO they know they are real and they will not be dissuaded from the truth of their existence.

When someone experiences the paranormal they know such things exist and no one can convinced them otherwise.

So when someone who can't possibly comprehend such things tells me I'm insane, well maybe I am, maybe I'm not.  But the one thing you must know, I'll never be the same again.

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