I'm hardly started but this is kinda what the new site will look like. Clean, neat, edited, organized and functional.
I've been diagnosed with cancer and I'm on chemo which is the most horrific thing I've experienced in my life. I spent most of three weeks so sick I can't do anything. By the time I begin feeling a bit better they start me on another round and it starts all over again.
I'm working on sets of pages that I've created moving on slowly as I go. I may edit this page for awhile then move back to a previous page. Back and forth as I work.
I will not move on to the next page for editing until the page I'm working on is complete to my satisfaction. I will move this paragraph along with the page I'm working on.
If you see something that needs my attention or if you have a question that may be helpful you know how to contact me.
Part of my problem is I frequently work on multiple things at the same time. That means I get distracted sometimes and make more mistakes than I would like. :-/
Thank you.